Ken Fiskorne
1 day ago

Project Update: DAMN, IT'S ABOUT TIME! Smoke tests out + preorder store

Good afternoon, bird gang!

Backerkit staff and I have been hard at work behind the scenes getting surveys set. Due to some technical complexities, and, "circumstances," it took longer than I would have liked. However...

It's finally time: smoke tests have gone out to (some) backers.

We talked about this before in an update, so, let's just go over it briefly:

  • 5% of you just got your surveys
  • You're gonna work for that privilege, though!
  • Fill your survey out as normal, but keep an eye out for errors
  • Pick your items purchased during your pledge, and add on more addon items if desired
  • Look for missing pin, sticker variants, typos that could result in backer misinformation/misunderstandings, pricing errors, et cetera
  • Make sure you are offered all freebies that you qualify for (sticker sheet, GUNBIRD for returning backers)
  • If you find any problems, comment on this update, or email me at [email protected]
  • I'll toss a 3" sticker of your choice if you are the first person to catch a problem

I'm going to give the rest of the surveys a several-day buffer period. Currently, there is nothing holding us back from sending them, except a final review from third party eyes (you!).

We're gonna try and get final surveys out on on Monday, the 18th.

In the meantime, I've opened up the preorder store. Even if you didn't get your smoke test, you'll probably get an email about this.

If you missed out on the campaign, this is your chance to get pins at campaign prices. All pins, stickers, and sticker sheets can be purchased through the store, and they will ship with the campaign pledges.

If you didn't get your survey yet, and you want more items - don't order from the preorder store! Just wait for your survey, and add stuff on to your pledge.

The preorder store will remain open until at least November 30th (Saturday), but might stay open a little longer. 

Surveys will, also, probably end on this date, unless we have a serious problem that needs 1-2 days to fix.

I know GOLDEN AGE PARROTS has been a bit of a roller coaster, so, if you have any questions or need an extension on your survey, reach out to me at any time. 

It's probably pretty clear that I'm not all here for this campaign, and, unfortunately, until the end of this month, that might still be the case. Things, pretty simply, have not really improved, and they won't until I can tie up a lot of loose ends and make everything safe for me and my pets.

Store orders, BIRD CRIMES UK fulfillment, and commission artwork are going to need to wait until I hit the new place. Without going into detail, I am not safe to do anything but sleep, change clothes, and feed my dog at the current location. I have the appropriate government entities involved and they are... not really doing what they need to. I'm not in immediate danger, but I'm definitely, absolutely not in a good enough mood to draw cute birds for you guys.

By this time, next month, I hope that changes, and I hope to be back to writing smarmy goofy shit and bombing your emails with it.

You can hit me up at [email protected] if you need anything. Thanks for being here.
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