Project Update: ONE WEEK TO GO: Crow, blue jay, kakapo, pigeon + select 1.5" pins available
Good evening, jailbirds!
So, two days ago, I sent you all (and some people across the socials) a survey. It's no secret, we are not doing as well as expected, and we're less than a third thru the planned stretch goals for the campaign.
Your feedback (excluding the few people who put "no" "N/A" "i don't even know why i get these" "everything is too expensive) was, genuinely extremely helpful. A few of you guys wrote damn near entire essays about your thoughts on the campaign, its potential turnout issues, and what you'd like to see - both for GAP, and my future projects.
I'm also not ignoring the kind, heartfelt words of support. When I said I am offering store credit for helpful feedback or suggestions, I mean it. Please check your emails in the next few days.
As expected, but no less unfortunate, is that a lot of you guys simply can't afford to back right now. I appreciate the honesty here. In fact, launching towards the end of the year, instead of tax refund season, is a big factor that may have set GAP up for failure.
Many of you expressed you'd like a cheaper option to support the campaign, even if you are not able to buy pins.
While I never expect you to support my projects when you need to keep the heat on and feed yourself, I have made this an option. There are now single vinyl sticker, single 4" sticker sheet, and 10-sticker discounted STICKER BOMB tiers.
So, two days ago, I sent you all (and some people across the socials) a survey. It's no secret, we are not doing as well as expected, and we're less than a third thru the planned stretch goals for the campaign.
Your feedback (excluding the few people who put "no" "N/A" "i don't even know why i get these" "everything is too expensive) was, genuinely extremely helpful. A few of you guys wrote damn near entire essays about your thoughts on the campaign, its potential turnout issues, and what you'd like to see - both for GAP, and my future projects.
I'm also not ignoring the kind, heartfelt words of support. When I said I am offering store credit for helpful feedback or suggestions, I mean it. Please check your emails in the next few days.
As expected, but no less unfortunate, is that a lot of you guys simply can't afford to back right now. I appreciate the honesty here. In fact, launching towards the end of the year, instead of tax refund season, is a big factor that may have set GAP up for failure.
Many of you expressed you'd like a cheaper option to support the campaign, even if you are not able to buy pins.
While I never expect you to support my projects when you need to keep the heat on and feed yourself, I have made this an option. There are now single vinyl sticker, single 4" sticker sheet, and 10-sticker discounted STICKER BOMB tiers.
GOLDEN AGE PARROTS was structured in a way that many desirable stretch goals were placed towards the end, expecting to easily reach them based on BIRD CRIMES' funding results. Whether or not this was a mistake, or just a product of circumstances, it is not fair to restrict these high value results beyond an unreachable goal.
I asked, up front, if making certain pins available would cause you to either back, or increase your backing pledge, for this project. The overwhelming answer was, "jesus Christ ken, shut the fuck up, and give us the crows."
So, with great pleasure, I am ready to announce: the crows are here.
Actually, so are the blue jay, pigeon, kakapo, and the alternate "cartoon" crow.
Blue jay, pigeon, kakapo, crow, and cartoon crow 2" pins will be options - regardless of our final funding amount. These are some of the most popular birds. Even if I have to make them partially out of pocket, it is a long term investment to have their up-front costs partially covered by the campaign.
A lot of you surveyed were also super excited for some of the 1.5" pins - I'm not sure how legit you are about it, so I cannot fund them ALL out of pocket... but I can do a few more popular ones.
I'll be real with you, as I'm typing this, I need to go to Costco because my milk went bad and I'm out of protein bars - so, I will update the campaign assets later tonight to reflect these unlocks.
The jury is still out on the 1" mini pins. They have some enthusiasts, but not enough for me to cover them without reaching our $6k goal. Who knows? Maybe we can reach that, in the next week... let's find out!
I am currently working on our 2 custom pin tiers. One thing that WAS clear, through the surveys, is that you guys do like the idea of getting custom pins in my art style - but, that for some of you, the price may be prohibitive.
I am weighing how to offer these options going forward, and possibly making them more affordable for certain backers. Currently, $400 for full customs and $150 for color morphs is what is needed for production baselines and labor, but I will see what I can do - maybe smaller pin options will be offered in the future. Your concerns have been heard, and I am looking into it!
But, for now, we have two backers who have been lovely to work with. These guys aren't quite final, but they're getting there. How do you like these birds?
There is one more custom color morph option that will be available for the campaign currently... I am working on this final color option now. It is a palette swap for the budgie pins. Stay tuned!
If you want your very own color design of an existing campaign bird, and 10 of your custom pin, there is one final slot.
I am open to feedback, questions, and concerns regarding the rest of the campaign. I'd like to make this last week count as much as possible. Let me know what you think of these changes. More importantly, if something seems off, or isn't working for you: let's talk!
Thank you for your support so far. If nothing else, GOLDEN AGE PARROTS has been a hell of a learning experience.
I'm off to get milk that isn't yogurt. Take it easy, the rest of the week!
If you want your very own color design of an existing campaign bird, and 10 of your custom pin, there is one final slot.
I am open to feedback, questions, and concerns regarding the rest of the campaign. I'd like to make this last week count as much as possible. Let me know what you think of these changes. More importantly, if something seems off, or isn't working for you: let's talk!
Thank you for your support so far. If nothing else, GOLDEN AGE PARROTS has been a hell of a learning experience.
I'm off to get milk that isn't yogurt. Take it easy, the rest of the week!