Ken Fiskorne
about 23 hours ago

Project Update: Check-in survey

Good evening, bird gang!

I want to be clear: we are funded, and I am extremely grateful for the support so far. However, it is no secret we are not meeting the lofty heights set by BIRD CRIMES.

My good friend Doreen over at roundbirbart ran a survey today asking backers some honest questions about their hopes for her conure plush campaign, their reasons for backing, and the things they did (or didn't) like so far. I figure, this may be a good time to do the same.

Whether you've backed or not, or you aren't planning to, it doesn't matter. This is an open survey. It'd help me a ton if you took under 5 minutes to tell me what you think. There are questions about self-funding (auto unlocking) several stretch goals - if you want something that's a little bit too far out, and that'd get you to back, speak up!

You can stay anonymous if you want, but there is a spot to put your BackerKit email. I'll pick a few people with the most thoughtful responses to get some free store or campaign credit in a few days.

I appreciate your time. I'm off to go draw some custom pins. 




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