jex thomas
5 months ago

Project Update: Update 36: Stretch Goals Ahoy!

Hello fellow Last Piners,

I hope this message finds you well.

Last night before bed I hit distribute on the stretch goals, so everyone who backed at the digital tier or higher should have access to a zip folder with four hunts -- two from Sarah Bolling, one from Richard Ruane, and one from myself -- and some new maps. I personally think they are all dope as heck and hopefully you will too!

Odds and Ends

  • It's come to my attention that some of the tracking numbers got mixed up when I uploaded them into Backerkit. If you think that might apply to you, please let me know!
  • Additionally, if you still haven't received your stuff, please let me know! I am happy to look into what the heck is going on.
  • The Cold Iron Blues supplement jam is still going strong. I'd love it if you'd submit something for it!

Gamehole Con

I had the pleasure of spending four days in Madison for Gamehole Con. I ran four sessions of Bump and two of Hunters, Inc. and had a really great time. All of the sessions of Bump were using hunts written by community members, which was really cool! I had one player who was being a gross shithead and had to be talked to, but besides that everyone I played with was lovely. Two major highlights for me were a duet game of Hunters, Inc. that hit some really amazing emotional highs, and an actual freakin' sea shanty being written and then performed at the table during a session of Bump. It was really cool, and I'll definitely plan on going back next year.

Speaking of cons, I'm taking a bit of a break, and then I'll be at the Midwinter Gaming Convention in January and hopefully returning to Breakout in Toronto in March. Before then, however, I'll be running Bump at the Milwaukee Krampusnacht 2024. There will also be sessions of Dungeon Crawl Classics and a few other games. It's going to be a cool event and I definitely need to write a Krampus-themed hunt for it!

I'm not sure I have anything else for now, but as always, don't hesitate to reach out with any concerns or questions.

With gratitude,






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