3 months ago

Project Update: Fulfillment

Great news everyone! The books have been packaged up and sent on their way! You should receive an email with a tracking number in the next 48 hours. If you don't see it, reach out and let us know!

For those of you who have ordered an original art piece, your package has not yet been sent. Jemma is working on your art now. They should be sent out by Christmas!

There are still some of you who have not filled out your survey. We will not be able to send you your order until it is filled out. If you have lost your survey, here is a new link to it. If you have not filled out your survey by June 2025, your order will be forfeited. There will be no refund for a forfeited order. Please fill out your survey so we can send you your book!

Keep an eye on your mailboxes everyone! When your package arrives, if something is wrong or missing, please let us know! If you are missing a digital reward, let us know and we can send you a new download link. StoryCo Multimedia episodes will be sent out in January 2025.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected] or contact Jemma on her Discord.

Happy Holidays everyone!







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