Jemma Young Studios
6 months ago

Project Update: We are Funded! What to expect next.

Hi everyone! The campaign is over we hit some awesome stretch goals! The book will now contain 12 extra pages and gold foil on the cover. Thank you all so much for contributing to the success of this project!

Now that the campaign is over, Backerkit will be charging cards on file. Backerkit has a 2 week period where it will be collecting funds and allow backers to update and fix any payment problems. After those two weeks, I'll be getting those funds to pay for the books! 

After those two weeks, I will be sending out the surveys via Backerkit where you will fill out your shipping information and pay for shipping and tax. You'll also be able to add on any extra goodies you might want. This survey will also be how you get your digital rewards. You'll also be able to let me know any extra details I might need to fulfill your reward such as what bookmark design you might want or which characters you want drawn on your bookplate or as a sketch. I'll be giving you a heads up for when this survey will go live, but it should hit your inbox early October.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! Thank you so much for helping make this project a success! This would not be happening without you and I am so grateful for your enthusiasm for my work!






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