Lilly (IV Studio)
24 days ago

Project Update: Quick Fulfillment Update!! 🐆

Heya! We're gearing up for the fulfillment of Moonrollers and Dark MatterII! 🎉

very excite

Fulfillment Updates 🤓

We will continue updating you on the progress of fulfillment each week through these updates and on Discord, so be sure to follow along! 

North and South America 🌎

Our US warehouse has received and sorted the inventory, and they are preparing to ship orders soon! WOO HOO 🙌

Some of you might start receiving notifications from your USPS/UPS/Fedex accounts about a package label being made but orders won't actually start shipping until next week. Once your package has been shipped, you will receive an email with the tracking information. Shipments will begin by Aug 30th, 2024.

Pretty please do not email us asking if your package has shipped yet 🥺 The warehouse will take a few weeks to fulfill thousands of orders and we will let you know the progress of fulfillment and when fulfillment is complete!

Europe 🌍

Spiral Galaxy has begun sending pre-shipment address confirmation emails to backers. Please check your Kickstarter email inbox to make sure you receive their email and confirm your address is correct. 

If it is not correct, you can fill out the form attached in the Spiral Galaxy email. You can also use the form to provide forward delivery instructions to your local delivery company and to delay the dispatch date if you need. The form will only be in use until shipments start getting dispatched. 

Spiral Galaxy still expects to receive the products before the end of this month, which means shipments will begin in the first half of September. You can continue following the boat's position here

Australia & Oceania 🌏

Aetherworks is waiting on a container from the UK to arrive. The latest ETA of the UK container at port is early September! 

Asia and Rest of World 🌏

VFI is still waiting for the products on the container ship. The latest ETA of the container at port is mid September. You can follow the boat's position here.  

That's all we have for now. We will see you next week with more updates! 🤠

see the dog patiently waiting. very mindful, very demure.

user avatar image for Lilly (IV Studio)




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