Lilly (IV Studio)
5 months ago

Project Update: Fulfillment Update and Emotional Support 🍪

Hi there! Are you a part of the Cookie Club? 🍪
If you're confused by what the Cookie Club is, that's okay. It just kinda happened.

The Cookie Club is an endearing term we're using for our backers who have not yet received their campaign orders. Our Discord members enjoy sending cookie emojis to each other as emotional support during these trying times and we'd like to share that sentiment to all our backers. 

So if you haven't received your game yet or are just having a rough week, here is your emotional support cookie! 🥺

Now for Fulfillment Updates! 

Please read your region below for the latest fulfillment news 📰

North and South America 🌎

If you have any issues with your Moonrollers package, please fill out the Support Form on our website using the "Campaign Pledge Support" option. The Support button can be found at the bottom of the webpage.

United States

Our US warehouse is at 72% completion of the project as of this week, which includes the non-Canadian international orders. The warehouse has recalculated their rate of fulfillment and predicts they should be 100% complete by Oct 25. They have pushed the completion date a few times so we are optimistic, but would not take their new timeline as definite. 

We will continue keeping you updated on how much further along they are in fulfillment each week! 

If you have not yet received your order, please refrain from emailing us about your shipment as there are still quite a few orders left to be fulfilled. You will receive a tracking notification once it has been shipped. Once the campaign has reached 100% completion in the US and you still have not received news about your package, please contact us at that time.

We appreciate your patience and are working hard to answer all of your emails!

If you have any issues with your order, please contact us with the support form mentioned above.


Pick and Pack has picked up your packages from our US warehouse and they will arrive at the Canadian warehouse today! They will begin sorting out individual packages and should start shipping them to you by next week at the earliest.

You should have received a shipping address confirmation email from Pick and Pack Logistics yesterday evening, so be sure to check your BackerKit email for that confirmation. 

Once shipped, you will receive the new tracking number in your email as well. Things are (finally) in motion! 🙌

Mexico, Central/South America

International orders are included in the remaining 28% orders at the US warehouse that haven't shipped yet. You will receive a shipping email once they have been sent out. 

Europe 🌍

Fulfillment in the UK/EU is almost 100% complete. There are a few left but the majority of orders should have shipped by now. If you have not received news of your package being shipped by next week, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]

If you are missing entire products or have damaged games from your package shipment, please reach out to the Spiral Galaxy fulfillment support team at [email protected]

If you are missing or have defective pieces within a game, please reach out to [email protected]
You can also track Spiral Galaxy's weekly fulfillment statuses for each project through their facebook page: 

Australia & Oceania 🌏

Aetherworks is at 60% project completion for backers! We haven't received word about an estimate for completion date, but there is a little less than half of your orders left to ship. 
If you have any issues with your order, please let us know with the Support form on our website.

Asia and Rest of World 🌏

VFI sent us their pre-shipment invoices this week and we have submitted the payments so they can begin their shipments to each region. They have not confirmed a definite ship date for us, but they expect to begin shipping to regional hubs by mid October. 

The process for VFI can sometimes be a bit confusing so we'll give a brief overview here. 
VFI will ship your games to regional hubs which will then pass it onto local businesses (usually game stores or distributors) who will handle the final shipment to you. You will only receive tracking information once your package has made it to the regional hub since VFI does not send you tracking directly.

You can check for your regional hub at this VFI website under the project titled "Mythic Mischief" (Since the 2 campaigns are shipping together, Moonrollers orders will also be under this project name)

IV Studio will be Out of Office Oct 14th

We'll be out of the office Oct 14th for a US bank holiday, but we'll be back on Tuesday Oct 15th. Long weekend here we come! 

That's all for this week folks! Stay tuned for next week's update 😁
user avatar image for Lilly (IV Studio)





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