Our US warehouse has just under 2,000 orders left to fulfill. Unfortunately they underestimated how long the remaining orders would take to fulfill and now estimates fulfillment will continue through Oct 18. They're doing their best to ship as fast as they can! 🥺
Please refrain from emailing us about your order shipment as there are still quite a few orders left to be fulfilled and you will receive a tracking notification once it has been shipped. Once the campaign has reached 100% completion in the US and you still have not received word about your package, then please contact us at that time!
We appreciate your patience and are working hard to answer all of your emails!
If you have any issues with your order, please contact us with the support form mentioned above.
Our US warehouse is continuing to coordinate with the Canadian fulfillment partner, Pick and Pack Logistics to schedule the pick up. Pick and Pack required more intricate details about every single order that was not communicated to us until the last minute, so our US warehouse has been organizing that information for them this past week.
We realize this shipment has been delayed far too long and understand the frustration this brings to both you and us for fulfillment! We are constantly checking in with both warehouses for updates everyday and doing our best to get these games to you. The positive side of this adventure is that Pick and Pack has told us it should be a relatively effortless process once they receive the packages 🤞
We will keep you updated and appreciate your patience in this process.
Mexico, Central/South America
International orders are within the ~2000 remaining orders at the US warehouse and haven't shipped yet, but you will receive a shipping email once they have!
Europe 🌍
Fulfillment in the UK/EU is still proceeding smoothly. They have just 340 orders left to fulfill after a rough week of warehouse staff being on sick leave. If you haven't received a shipping notification yet, do not fret!
If you are missing whole items or have damaged game issues from your package, please reach out to the Spiral Galaxy fulfillment support team at[email protected]
If you are missing or have defective pieces within a game, please reach out to [email protected]
Aetherworks has started fulfilling our campaign! We'll let you know when they can expect to finish the campaign fulfillment in the next update.
Note: This initial wave does not include retailer orders, just backers.
Asia and Rest of World 🌏
VFI has received our inventory! They were in the process of inventorying everything but we haven't received word from them about a start date as they are currently on a national holiday until Oct 7th.
That's all for now! Thank you for reading our weekly updates. It means a lot.
we hope you get lots of rest and care this weekend