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One Collection of Icon Sets
$1007 purchasedWhile we have a pledge level to get Worldographer by itself as well as with one collection of icon sets and with all four icon set collections... what if you want two or three icon sets but not all four? Pick this for each extra collection of icon sets you'd like. Again the collections are: * Classic World/Kingdom (similar to the old Mystara maps, but a bit more detailed). * Isometric World/Kingdom (similar to the graphics in the computer game Civilization 2 or 3). * Settlement (mostly top-down views of buildings for city & village maps). * Battlemat (top down graphics of beds, chairs, doors, desks, etc. for dungeons, building interiors, etc.)EditIncludes 1 item
×1Collection of Icons Sets in 1 Style (Classic or Isometric World/Kingdom, Batlemat, or Settlement)