If you haven't heard of Worldographer and its predecessor Hexographer, Worldographer is a map-making program that lets you create and edit world and region maps; city and village maps; as well as dungeon, building interior, and other battlemats, plus cosmic sector maps.
Even though we're calling it "Worldographer 2025" it will be released later this year (like new car models). We'll have it ready a couple weeks after the crowdfunding ends. You can even preview a demo version now!
Worldographer's UI is easy because it specializes in maps of these styles . It also has generators that quickly get you results close to what you want--then the map is fully editable. Or start with a blank map!
What makes Worldographer different from other map-making software?
It installs to your computer: Unlike a web app, if the company goes out of business or if you're just on a bad connection, you can keep using it. Use it on Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, or anything that supports Java (it is written in Java, but has native installers for the most common platforms).
Worldographer has many built-in generators. Want to create a world? Just choose a few settings and it creates one in seconds! Or generate a region, city, village, tower, shop, dungeon, and more! The results are fully customizable.
Have a specific world or region in mind? Start a blank map, then rough in a fraction of the terrain. Next use our "Terrain Wizard" tool to fill in the rest of the map and edit the result.
It doesn't just help you create and edit the map. It also creates data about the world or city. For a world, it will generate a few bullets for each of several cultures, nations, and religions as well as details of cities, villages, forts, and other points of interest. For a city or village, it generates a list of residents or staff/patrons/prices for a tavern or store. All the data is fully editable.
It can also generate locations of interest for a sandbox or hex crawl style campaign.
This demo version has all the "pro" features of the program unlocked, but it does expire in late October. Download it from our website.
It installs to your computer so if you're on a bad connection or our website goes down, you can still open & edit your maps. And no subscription fee is required--the pro version is a one time purchase. While a new major version may come out that requires a paid upgrade, you're always able to use the version you have. (Like the games Civilization 1, 2, 3, etc.)
Generate world/kingdom setup screen.
This may look like a lot of controls, but want an earth-like world? Just accept the defaults & click "Generate Map":
The result of a generated world map.
Then have Worldographer generate coasts, rivers, empires, roads, & hex crawl locations via its "Generate" menu. You can do all of these automatically with checkboxes on the setup screen if you prefer, but doing them later lets you edit the results of each step before doing the next. Here is a zoomed in section of the same map with these other features auto-generated:
A section of the same world map with coasts, rivers, nations, roads, & hex crawl locations added.
And the resulting map is fully editable: change terrain, move/add/delete city/village/etc locations, shapes, and labels.
Or if you have an idea of a specific map, you can start with a blank map (check the "All One Terrain" checkbox in the upper right of that setup screen, and make sure the adjacent drop-down is set to "blank"), then just rough in some terrain via the terrain drawer on the right:
A blank map with a bit of terrain added.
Next run the Terrain Wizard (on the Tools menu) which does a nearest-neighbor fill, and optionally (via a setting on the Options menu) will add some randomness to the map:
The Terrain Wizard's result. (A nearest-neighbor fill.)
Change the map as needed as well as add coasts, rivers, locations of interest, nations, etc. These can be added by hand-placing each or by using the options on the "Generate" menu and modifying the results.
Or create a map fully from scratch using the terrain, features, shapes, & labels tabs on the right side. You can even set up a map to be traced via the "Trace Underlay" tab on the right side.
Much like World/Kingdom mapping, you can instantly create a city with one setup screen. The default settings will get you a basic city but you can customize everything.
City/Town/Village setup screen.
The resulting city can be fully customized: move/add/delete buildings, roads, rivers, coasts, etc.
The results of an auto-generated fantasy town.
Every building gets a "Note" which details who lives there if it is a house and who works there and what is for sale if it is a business. These notes show up as small yellow squares on the map. (Turn them off by clicking the "Show" checkbox on the bottom left of the app window next to notes.) Clicking a note on the map when the "Add/Edit/View" button in that same Notes area brings up a window like this:
A note from a tavern with drinks, food, patrons, & staff.
That dialog is also fully editable--change all the people and inventory. Or start from scratch!
As with World/Kingdom maps, you can also start with a blank map and hand-place every road, building, river, etc. Or you can use the Generate menu to generate these one step at a time: Generate the coast & river (if you want them), then the main roads are key to place before anything else. Next generate the rest of the streets, then the buildings, and finally any vegetation. Doing it this way lets you modify the results of each step before doing the next step.
More Details on Battlemat/Dungeon/Building Interiors Mapping
As with world/kingdom and city/village mapmaking, one setup screen lets you instantly create a battlemat of a dungeon or any of a number of different building types: house, tower, store, tavern, inn, etc.
Battlemat setup screen.
Here is a section of a dungeon:
Auto-generated dungeon section.
Remember, everything is fully editable--all the furniture can be added/moved/deleted via controls on the Features tab to the right of the app window. Shapes (walls and usually floors) can be changed by the Shapes tab. Other floor/ground cover can be changed via the Terrain tab.
Here are a few auto-generated buildings:
Auto-generated smith's house.
Worldographer also helps you make sector maps. These are made similar to Traveller's maps, but can apply to any science fiction RPG.
Auto-generated sector map.
And each of the systems on the map have details generated about it. Those details can also be viewed & edited as a note:
A note shows the auto-generated information about a system.
While Worldographer has over 1600 built-in image assets focused on medieval/fantasy maps, it does have a range of modern and science fiction icons as well. (All maps shown above only use built-in images.)
But more icon sets allow for even more diverse maps! With our extra icon sets, you can make even more maps for many different genres & settings. Here are just a few examples:
Clockwise from upper left: Ring Lord world/region icons, Modern settlement (city/village) icons, Egyptian settlement icons, Utopian Future settlement icons, Orcs settlement icons, Space Fantasy battlemat icons.
More examples using extra icons sets:
Clockwise from upper left: Retro Apocalypse battlemat icons, Gritty Future settlement icons, Gnome battlemat icons, Meso-American isometric world/kingdom icons, Simplified battlemat icons, Steampunk settlement icons.
All of our icons sets are available at DriveThruRPG and they will be delivered using DriverThruRPG. You'll be able to add them to your Library there so they are always easy to find!