Horse Shark Games
3 days ago

Project Update: News, Netcrawl Game Discussion & More

Stretch Goal Lock Deleted!

The Hacking Academy is Now Open
Huge news! We've crested $35K in support, so now you can help design a virus for Netcrawl RPG! There is a new add-on and the modest fee helps to pay the editors who will assist you to bring your creation to life.

What is create-a-virus? You might want your name (or a character's name) in lights as a hacker who birthed the virus. Or maybe you just want to throw out a name or a kernel of an idea for a virus. Or may be you want to develop a mind eating virus to unleash at your tables. All of the above is possible, just add it on to your pledge

Keep sharing the campaign on your social media accounts, remember we're now just a bit under halfway to a 6th adventure!

Netcrawl in the News

Netcrawl managed to worm its way onto Forbes!
Hack the Planet, y'all!

Read the article and if you've made your way here from the article, welcome!

Netcrawl Game Discussion

Netcrawl RPG is designed to occupy and bring to life a very specific place -- cyberspace. As we all know cyberspace and the Internet is a nearly limitless repository of ideas, art, and worlds. It is equally a location and nowhere. So how can you leverage it at your table?

First, you could adventure entirely inside the WorldNet. In a way this paradigm is reflected in Tron and Reboot. There is only a limited sense of the meatspace. Almost all the storytelling is done inside the WorldNet. Netcrawl RPG, at its core, is geared most to this style of play.

That is not the only way to use these rules. One can shift a campaign into a new setting as a palate cleanser. After tons of sessions in Star Crawl or Cyber Sprawl Classics or Mutant Crawl Classics, port the characters into the WorldNet for an adventure arc.

Lastly, and it does require more work, use Netcrawl RPG with other types of RPGs than DCC RPG compatibles. Netcrawl Arcologies focuses on world-building and is less tied into Netcrawl RPG proper. Using Netcrawl Arcologies should only present minimal needs for conversion for OSR style games like CY_Borg or OSE compatible games. For that matter, using Netcrawl with Cyberpunk Red or Mothership should not be terribly difficult to pull off.

This month's Patreon focuses on how that might be accomplished (don't worry it will be the books too. No FOMO, ok?). So ask me some questions about using Netcrawl. Tell us about how you are going to use Netcrawl in your games in the comments.
Once we reach this goal, we'll produce a 6th adventure to go with this crowdfunding campaign.
Goal: 318 / 750 backers
We need 432 more to reach this goal.




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