I recently ran a playtest. GET EXCITED folks. Disclaimer: we played this with the DCC core book and the “QuickStart” rules. The good? My point of reference is Tron. And this certainly “Tronned” hard. The players had a ball. The adventure connected the adventure in with Starcrawl was a genius move. No one in the group owns Starcrawl, but no matter, it’s easy to run with core DCC or even MCC. (And, do I ever want SC now… good sales job, James!) The adventure wasn’t finished, æsthetically, yet. But the writing was, and it was pretty rad. We’ve seen some artwork shared here, and on other socials, which all looks top notch. I’ve the utmost confidence in James and his collaborators to deliver an amazing finished product. Folks, you’re in for a ride… as I stated above, GET f’n EXCITED!!!





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