9 months ago

Project Update: cy the IBS otter UNLOCKED + preliminary sample pics for Ash!

Hi all!! YAHOO we made it to the next goal!! Cy won the poll for the next to be unlocked, so he'll be made into a plushie next!!

As a reminder you can always vote on who will be unlocked next! I firmly believe we can unlock all the goals!! :D

Here's Cy's design sheet! The heart tummy symbol will be embroidered on his stomach.
Cy's Design Sheet!

And here's his color swatches:
Cy's fabric swatches!

Cy will most likely be the most difficult to get right because I might want to edit the shape of the muzzle for him more than I will for the other characters. But I'm excited to start work on this sample!! :3c

Also!! We have some preliminary sample pictures for Ash!! There are quite a few things I want to change about her so far, but I think the light gray turned out really lovely!! Once again, there is no embroidery for preliminary samples, and this is not the final design!!
preliminary sample photos for Ash!

Some changes/design thoughts:
- The color for the antennae and tail is not right - it needs to be a more pastel yellow. If that color isn't available in the 10mm fluffy fabric I'm using for the antenna and tail, I'll change it to another fabric so it can be more color accurate!
- Furthermore on the antenna... they are just not right haha. I think I will push a more oblong football shape for them and make them a bit shorter, as well as moving them closer to the center of the head probably.
- I'd like to make the tail a little fatter and rounder as well!!
- The ears are not sitting quite right, and need to be longer. I think this is because fabric stabilizer was used, I'll have them remove this so her ears are soft and floppy!!
- The bottom of the paws should be yellow! This detail was excluded but I will make sure it's there for the final.
- I am not 100% sure on this but I may make her muzzle a little shorter than the muzzles on the other plushies.

Overall I like the placement and size of the wings! But there are still plenty of adjustments to be made.

Looking forward to getting Cy started and getting sample pics of him as well, and hopefully soon we should have second renditions of Tristan, Sandy, Luca, Em, and Ash!

Hope you're having an awesome day!! :D

- Han <3

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