Grinning Rat Publications (Nate)
6 months ago

Project Update: Update 11: Weekly Progress Update


Hello and welcome to your weekly update. Short updates this week - all good news!

Pledge Manager & Survey: 99% Complete

  • After meeting with both BackerKit and GamesQuest, I've determined shipping will be determined in a few months as I work with GamesQuest, coordinate with printers, and get everything all situated on the back end. 
  • That being said, BackerKit is just reviewing my survey to you all and once they've given approval (1-2 days in my experience) I'm sending the surveys out! 
  • Once you've completed the surveys, I'll go in and soft-lock addresses so folks can get their digital rewards (including the Core Rules, Wanderers, Catalysts, and the Nine Tombs of Athal-Kar) as early as Wednesday of this week. Starlit Spire will arriving shortly behind, in April / May.
  • NOTE: It is important you fill out your survey when the email comes to you. I will make an update here when surveys have been sent out. If you don't fill out your survey, you cannot receive your rewards.

Dungeoneering: Catalysts Book Progress: 100% Complete

  • The book is finished! PDF is uploaded to BackerKit and once surveys go out they'll be a part of your digital downloads.

The Great Spellcheck Survey: 99% Complete

  • Next week the Catalysts Spellcheck Survey will accompany the weekly update. Filling out the survey is not required and is volunteer work! The survey(s) will close two weeks after PDF delivery to allow for folks to read through the books and see if they find anything that seems off.
  • Once the surveys are complete, final production PDFs will head to the printers in both the UK and US and physical fulfillment will slowly start to come alive.

The Starlit Spire: 60% Complete (no change from last week)

  • With all the miscellaneous logistics of getting Catalysts finished and the holiday, work slowed on Starlit Spire (which I anticipated). I still think the book can be done in April, but if it requires me to rush I'll gladly push it into May. My goal is to give you a complete and well-written book, not meet a somewhat-arbitrary deadline.
  • That being said, I don't want the PDF to be delayed any more than it needs to be. So, for now, things are tentatively on track with a slight chance for a minor delay of a few weeks.

Physical Fulfillment: 25% Complete (+5% from last week)

  • Stickers are here! Perfect for your various stickerless objects:

Elsewhere on the internet ...

Some friends and I took the opportunity of an exciting game jam over on to make a new game called Habitation. It's a rules-lite, sci-fi, sort-of-narrative game where you're exploring dangerous exoplanets in order to make discoveries, complete missions, and ultimately get out from under the tyranny of corporate debt.

We built the game in literally less than a week and are playtesting it tonight in person to see if it actually functions as a game (lol). If so, we'll be submitting it to the jam and make it available for you to download for free!

Since we don't technically have the link yet, I can't share to it but I will update this post tomorrow with the correct link out:

That's it for me this week - hope you get out there and play some games!
- Nate




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