Grinning Rat Publications (Nate)
8 months ago

Project Update: Update 17: Biweekly Progress Report


We accidentally missed a week due to family vacation brain, so we're back in the saddle this week with another campaign update! There's not a ton of newness, but there are a few things worth mentioning, so let's get into it!

Pledge Manager & Survey: 100% Complete

  • A small handful (less than 7) of people still need to fill out the survey. I've sent reminders to do so this morning, so please check your email if you haven't gotten your files!
  • The cutoff for filling out the survey will be Monday, July 1 - exactly four weeks from today. If you don't complete the survey by then, you'll unlikely be in the initial shipping wave. This may increase your shipping costs, so please try to complete the survey before then or contact me if you haven't already filled it out!

Dungeoneering: Catalysts Book Progress: 100% Complete

  • The book is finished! The PDF has been uploaded to BackerKit and is included in your digital downloads if your tier allows for it. Your survey has also been filled out.
  • The books are here! And they look great!

The Great Spellcheck Survey: 100% Complete

  • The Great Spellcheck Survey for Dungeoneering: Catalysts is closed! Thankfully, no errors were reported!

The Starlit Spire: 10% Complete (read below)

From the last update, I returned to the drawing board after some helpful playtesting, which made me realize my adventure was kind of s***. From that update, here's the new timeline for the adventure:

  1. Starlit Spire PDF: September 2024
  2. Starlit Spire Print Production: October 2024
  3. Physical Fulfillment: October 2024-December 2024

That said, I've been playing around with some ideas, and so far, some stuff has stuck in a big way. Mostly, these things are a little too chaotic and in flux for me to share entirely, but I'm really happy with where its ended up. In the coming weeks I'll share more, including some screengrabs and the complete table of contents once that's patched in.

Thanks again for your patience with this! I know it can be frustrating waiting for the product you backed, but I'm confident this rewrite will result in a better adventure that's more fun at your table (and worth your money)! 

Physical Fulfillment: 50% Complete (+10% from last update)

  • Dungeoneering: Catalysts books are here (see pictures in the Catalysts section of the update)!

That's it for me. I'm looking forward to the next update towards the middle of July.

- Nate




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