Grinning Rat Publications (Nate)
5 months ago

Project Update: Update 12: Weekly Progress Update


Hello and apologies for the delay to your weekly update! Here's the news:

Pledge Manager & Survey: 100% Complete

  • Surveys are out! Please check your email for your invitation to fill it out. I've gone in and soft-locked addresses so folks can get their digital rewards (including the Core Rules, Wanderers, Catalysts, and the Nine Tombs of Athal-Kar). Starlit Spire will arriving shortly behind, in April / May.
  • NOTE: It is important you fill out your survey when the email comes to you. I will make an update here when surveys have been sent out. If you don't fill out your survey, you cannot receive your rewards.

Dungeoneering: Catalysts Book Progress: 100% Complete

  • The book is finished! PDF is uploaded to BackerKit and it is a part of your digital downloads, if included in your tier and your survey is filled out.

The Great Spellcheck Survey: 100% Complete

  • The Great Spellcheck Survey for Dungeoneering: Catalysts is here:
  • Filling out the survey is not required and is volunteer work! The survey(s) opens today and will close two weeks from now (April 24) to allow for folks to read through the books and see if they find anything that seems off.
  • Once the surveys are complete, final production PDFs will head to the printers in both the UK and US and physical fulfillment will slowly start to come alive.

The Starlit Spire: 65% Complete (+5% from last week)

  • A bit of progress has been made on the overall factional connections throughout the adventure. I'm really excited for you all to see some of the stranger things that can be uncovered. There's also a bevy of secrets that I think will be quite difficult to find in play, but extremely rewarding if done so!
  • All in all, progress continues on the Starlit Spire. It's looking more and more like it'll be late April / early May for PDF delivery, but as always I'll keep you posted weekly.

Physical Fulfillment: 30% Complete (+5% from last week)

  • I've been notified that the patches are on their way! They should be arriving in the next few weeks and, when they do, I'll make sure to post some pictures of them. If they look anything like the proofs, they'll be pretty sweet!

That's it for me this week - hope you get out there and play some games!
- Nate




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