Christopher Badell
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Independence! Reveals a plenty!

Good mornings, Sentinels!

In honor of Independence Day, we're starting out with a most patriotic reveal: one of the most interesting Disparation Hero Variants!

Speaking of Legacy, the playtesters recommended I show off lots of Legacy appearances on cards in this set... but there are comparatively few! Legacy is one of the less frequently appearing heroes in Disparation stories, other than many Legacy art cameos I have already revealed over the course of this campaign. However, I was able to come up with a hero card, a villain card, and an environment card that fit the bill.

From Omnitron-X's Hero deck:

Protect that Legacy!

From Iron Legacy's Villain deck:

Oooh, patriotic! 😬

And from the Silver Gulch, 1883 Environment deck:

Legacy's gotta get rid of that explosive wagon!

I like all these Legacy-related (or at least Legacy-related) reveals, but I want to show off even more! Let's take a look at one more card from each of those three decks that relates to the above reveals.

Another Omnitron-X card:

There are three different plating cards in Omnitron-X's deck, each with more than 1 copy, so what's a robot hero to do with extra plating cards? Well, you can hot-swap them in response to incoming damage, and you can also toss them for outgoing damage! Pretty cool, right?

From Iron Legacy's deck:

Iron Legacy's deck has a bunch of very powerful and punishing Ongoing cards, such as Galvanized seen above. But he's gotta have ways of getting more! Fortunately for him (and unfortunately for the heroes), he's got cards like Heroic Termination to help him out.

Finally, from the Silver Gulch, 1883 deck:

The lawman is back! He's rarin' to go, and he's on the heroes' side! As for his relation to the Explosives Wagon... well, he can hide behind it. That's about it. It's a bad thing to hide behind, but you take what you can get when you're looking for cover.

Thanks for reading, everyone! I'll see you all in a month!

And remember: keep on saving the Multiverse!





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