Goodman Games
3 months ago

Project Update: Vote on the Great Trident's special abilities!

Backers, help us figure out the powers for one of the giant NPCs in Terror From The UnderDeep!

In the last update we showed you General Nulnnir, a table-dominating storm giant "miniature." He's one of the terrifying adversaries PCs will face. Just look at that trident... what magic powers should it possess?

Well, let's find out! We've designed into several possibilities for the trident, and we'd like backers to help us finalize it. The poll is below. Your votes will shape the final product!

General Nulnnir awaits your decision!

Here are summaries of the magic powers mentioned in the poll:
  • trident of fish command: this magic weapon can be used to dominate beasts with a swimming speed.
  • trident of submission: if this magic weapon strikes a target, they must make a Charisma saving throw or become overwhelmed with hopelessness and despair for 1 minute.
  • defender trident: this weapon is +3 to hit and damage. The wielder may transfer some or all of the bonus to its AC. 
  • trident of desiccation: a target hit by this magic weapon takes additional necrotic damage

154 votes • Final results





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