Thanks everyone for an amazing campaign! We look forward to adventuring in the UnderDeep with you all!
Terror from the Underdeep: A Giant Box of 5E Adventure

Terror from the Underdeep: A Giant Box of 5E Adventure

A gigantic boxed set packed with a huge 5E adventure path!
$255,047 🎉
of $20,000
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The giant clans have allied - and no one knows why. Hill, stone, frost, fire, cloud and storm giants now work together to collect electrum. Their tracks lead to an abandoned city of the UnderDeep. In these lightless caverns, sinister cultists give the giants' offerings to a misshapen kraken lord. Can your adventurers uncover the secrets behind this wicked alliance before it’s too late?
Terror From The Underdeep is a colossal boxed set for DnD 5E! This adventure path takes characters from level 8 to 16. It will keep your group adventuring for a year!

The huge box is packed with books, maps, handouts, pre-gens, and tokens. It includes:
  • 17 chapters of adventure with 450+ pages of content!
  • Three huge poster maps!
  • Cardstock punch-out inspiration tokens!
  • Hundreds of encounter areas!
  • 75+ new monsters, plus tons of maps and player handouts!
  • Fully-detailed NPCs, new magic items, and new spells!
  • Pregenerated characters for immediate play!
  • Stretch goals add even more useful DM tools and expanded play!
Upgrade to the crowdfunding-edition clamshell box with foil highlighting! This option is only offered in the crowdfunding and won't be available in stores later. This specialty box opens on a "hinge" and can be used to display the enclosed books on a shelf or tabletop. The clamshell box is more expensive to manufacture than the regular edition and thus requires an additional charge of +$20. If you'd like this option, pledge for the level of your choice then choose the upgrade as an add-on.

Famous Goodman Games adventures are now finally available for 5E! Idylls of the Rat King, The Lost Vault of Tsathzar-Rho, and Sailors on the Starless Sea are considered some of the best adventures ever written - and now we're converting them to 5E. Pledge now for the exclusive foil edition, not available in retail!
Miniatures that bring the adventure to life! Is "miniatures" even the right word for giant-sized figurines? Cast at 28mm scale, these huge miniatures of a cloud giant, frost giant, and storm giant are absolutely enormous on a tabletop! They tie back to NPCs in the adventure and can also be used as generic giant types. Each figure includes scale indicators: a tiara and belt of human skulls, a crown and belt of human swords with a man-sized cultist, and mammoth-tusk scimitars and mastodon-skull helmet! These miniatures will not be offered through retail!

Advanced Advantage Playtest Packet #1! Advanced Advantage is our own "house rules" modifications of the 5E rules set. Get in on the ground floor as we evolve the system! This first playtest pack introduces tweaks to the 5E advantage mechanic – and rules for using the d24 in 5E. Backers can provide early feedback on our house rules system!

New to Goodman Games? Try a new adventure for ONLY TWO DOLLARS! The Red Dragon’s Treasure Map is only $2.00 for print and PDF!

Plus even more adventures and accessories for 5E fans! Two new hardcover Compendiums of Dungeon Crawls contain more than a dozen new adventures. The Book of 2-Page UnderDelves has UnderDeep adventures in our popular 2-page spread format. Plus inspiration tokens in poker chip format and a fun T-shirt! Giants hit harder!

Tell Me More About Terror From The UnderDeep!

We estimate that this boxed set will keep a party adventuring for up to 12 months of “real time.” We've been playtesting it for years so we know this is true!

This is the core plot that your heroes will encounter:

Raids from bloodthirsty humanoids and giants are common in the harsh Northlands. But lately, the attacks led by giantish foes are increasing in frequency and lethality. And it's not just one type of giant. Cloud giants invade the countryside from massive floating strongholds. Fire giants seethe from the broken lands to the east, lighting settlements ablaze and carrying off loot. Frost giants assault coastal communities from an immense iceberg in the frigid waters of the storm-wracked bay.

After the heroes conduct an assault on one of the giant's strongholds, they discover the giants are somehow affiliated with a mysterious cult that worships the “Beast Below.” The giants collect electrum during their raids, and are transporting it to the shadowy caverns of the UnderDeep, secreted underneath the Northlands. It matters not if the electrum is raw ore, minted coins, or crafted items. All of it goes down below, while the giants get to keep the more valuable gold, platinum and bejeweled items stolen from the Northlanders. But why? What purpose is served by sending vast quantities of inferior metal into the depths of the earth?

The heroes need to investigate other giantish fortresses to determine what nefarious role the cult plays in these raids and the route of the precious metal. Following the route of electrum through the UnderDeep leads to clashes with dark dwarves, degenerate fishfolk and other UnderDeep denizens. The route terminates at an abandoned sunken city on the shores of the Darksea inhabited by several factions in a desperate struggle to control the ruined city. There, the heroes finally meet The Beast Below...

What's in the box? We're still in editing so a few details might change, but right now we anticipate:
  • Four large softcover books, each roughly 100-125 pages in length, packed with encounters, maps, handouts, and more
  • Three large poster maps
  • A page of cardstock punch-out inspiration tokens 
  • Pre-generated characters

What is Advanced Advantage?

This project includes Advanced Advantage Playtest Packet #1, which is the first in a series of rules supplements for your fifth edition game. Think of this as "the Goodman Games house rules for 5E." Advanced Advantage doesn’t replace your fifth edition core rulebooks. It enhances them!

Playtest Packet #1 features a new way to utilize Advantage/Disadvantage in your fifth edition game. Introducing Dynamic Dice: instead of rolling two d20’s and taking the higher number, the Advanced Advantage system allows you to increase the size of the die for advantage. Do you have advantage on a d20 roll? Now you roll a d24!

What’s even better? This system can be applied to any die roll, and the results stack! Do you have double advantage on a d8 roll? Now you roll a d12! Disadvantage works in the opposite direction. Double disadvantage on a d12 roll now rolls a d8. And so on.

This is your chance to play with an innovative new rules system that compliments the game system you already know and enjoy. And you can play a role in defining the system for the final publication. Backers will be able to send in feedback based on play at their game table!

Tell Me More About The 5E Add-On Adventures!

Goodman Games is famous for our adventures, which many fans consider to be some of the best fantasy RPG adventures of all time. Our most popular adventures have sold tens of thousands of copies. With that in mind, we have converted three of our famous adventures to the newest edition of 5E! Add on Idylls of the Rat King, Sailors on the Starless Sea, and The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho!

In addition, we are expanding our Compendium of Dungeon Crawl hardcovers. The first two entries in this line sold out almost instantly when first released. Each volume is a sturdy hardcover with 6-8 short adventures, each stand-alone, world-neutral, and designed for play in approximately 2-3 sessions. Each of these hardcovers is full of adventure for your 5E game!

Those Miniatures Are Amazing!

Yes, we know! Created with the assistance of our friends at Strange Plastic, the miniatures are sculpted especially for this adventure. They will be cast to order for this project and not produced for retail. This is your chance to grab these unique showpieces!

What About The Inspiration Tokens?

Every 5E gamer knows how useful inspiration tokens can be. We will help you bring that to life!

The boxed set will include a sheet of six die-cut tokens printed on thick card stock. Each token features new full-color artwork depicting one of the iconic character classes. They are printed double-sided, so all twelve core classes are reflected. The tokens can be used by any character (regardless of the art depicted) to indicate if they currently have Heroic Inspiration.

In addition, as an add-on option, we are custom-manufacturing six tokens on poker-chip-like material and packaged in a polybag, ready for use at your table! These are printed double-sided so there is art for every core class.

Shipping and Fulfillment

Shipments will originate as follows, by region:
  • US orders will originate from a US shipping location.
  • UK/EU orders will originate from a UK shipping location.
  • Canada orders will originate from a Canadian shipping location.
  • AUS/NZ/SEA orders will originate from an Australian shipping location.

This project has a wide variety of components, so it's hard to estimate exact postage. In general, US orders that consist solely of books are eligible to ship via media mail. Other regions will ship via the most economical method.

There is additional information on common shipping questions in the FAQ.

Videos With More Info

Learn more about Terror From The UnderDeep with these videos!

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