We had a lot of fun on yesterday's stretch goal reveal show. Here's the recap of new goals! Key things here are backer-submitted delves, upgrades to the clamshell box, and accessories like GM screen, book of maps and handouts booklet!
First, the funding-based goals:
$40k-3 tables of giant’s bag contents (cleared)
$65k-Bonus 2-page delve – hill giant (cleared)
$75k-3 more tables of random giant’s bag contents (cleared)
$100k-Bonus 2-page delve – stone giant (cleared)
$125k-Upgraded maps (cleared)
$150k-Bonus 2-page delve- frost giant (cleared)
$175k-Bonus 2-page delve – fire giant (cleared)
$200k-Bonus 2-page delve – cloud giant (cleared)
$205k-Backers can submit to UnderDelves (cleared)
$210k-Clamshell box sized to hold stretch goals
$225k-Bonus 2-page delve – storm giant
$235k-Clamshell box interior printing for easy table reference
Now the stretch goals based on backer count! You'll note that $205k is backer-submitted UnderDelves - and it's cleared! Early next week, we will post details on the submission process. For now, know that we'll be opening at least 6 slots for backer submission. It's like a D&D spell: at 1000 backers we opened 3 slots for submission, and for every 100 backers after that we add +1 to the opened slots. As I type this, we're at 1,320 backers which means 6 slots open.
One more thing before we go! Remember to upgrade to the clamshell box if you want the crowdfunding-exclusive "even more awesome edition." You simply add on the upgrade to your pledge. At $210k and beyond we start making upgrades to this baby!
BTW, the latest trivia question is below. And here's the recording for anyone who wants the full replay!