Goodman Games
about 1 month ago

Project Update: A Brief Plot Overview

Hello everyone! Thanks for following along on Terror From the UnderDeep. We'll be sharing some previews and polls as we march steadily toward launch day in January.

Let's start with a brief overview of the plot. Terror From The UnderDeep is a huge boxed set. We're estimating it will weigh in at more than 400 pages, with poster maps and tokens and several booklets. Above the fray, though, is a sinister plot driving all that action. Let's take you to that plot...

Raids from bloodthirsty humanoids and giants are common in the harsh Northlands. But lately, the attacks led by giantish foes are increasing in frequency and lethality. And it's not just one type of giant. Cloud giants invade the countryside from massive floating strongholds. Fire giants seethe from the broken lands to the east, lighting settlements ablaze and carrying off loot. Frost giants assault coastal communities from an immense iceberg in the frigid waters of the storm-wracked bay.

After the heroes conduct an assault on one of the giant's strongholds, they discover the giants are somehow affiliated with a mysterious cult that worships the “Beast Below.” The giants collect electrum during their raids, and are transporting it to the shadowy caverns of the UnderDeep, secreted underneath the Northlands. It matters not if the electrum is raw ore, minted coins, or crafted items. All of it goes down below, while the giants get to keep the more valuable gold, platinum and bejeweled items stolen from the Northlanders. But why? What purpose is served by sending vast quantities of inferior metal into the depths of the earth?

The heroes need to investigate other giantish fortresses to determine what nefarious role the cult plays in these raids and the route of the precious metal. Following the route of electrum through the UnderDeep leads to clashes with dark dwarves, degenerate fishfolk and other UnderDeep denizens. The route terminates at an abandoned sunken city on the shores of the Darksea inhabited by several factions in a desperate struggle to control the ruined city. There, the heroes finally meet The Beast Below...

And that, fair gamers, is the plot of Terror From the UnderDeep. We'll be posting more previews and polls as time goes on. Watch this space!!
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