Creators You Might Like
These are creators that you might be interested because you are interested in Realms of Kymoria A Therapeutic TTRPG Quickstart Kit for 5e by Geek Therapeutics .
Crossed Paths
17,145 FollowersThe Covens of Midnight - A Tarot-Based GM-less Solo RPG
Become a student at The Midnight Court, a College for the Arcane. This is GM-less Journalling TTRPG that uses Tarot and Card Divination to unlock your fate.
£337,194 🎉of £1,5004,504backers
MCDM Productions
63,889 FollowersThe MCDM RPG: Draw Steel
Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.
$4,600,520 🎉of $800,00030,177backers
Evil Hat Productions
39,315 FollowersStewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern
Stewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern is a collection of small games for groups of three or more players. You play a retired adventurer running a tavern and settling down in a town. Put down the sword and pick up the ladle.
$202,090 🎉of $30,0004,519backers
Cephalofair Games
109,070 FollowersGloomhaven Grand Festival
We invite you to join the celebration and check out the latest in the city of Gloomhaven. From Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs, Gloomhaven: The Role Playing Game, Miniatures of Gloomhaven, Gloomhaven: Second Edition and more, there is something for everyone.
$5,053,380 🎉of $2,000,00034,691backers
Monte Cook Games
41,491 FollowersAdventures in the Cypher System
The Cypher System is about to become your new favorite TTRPG. With a new Starter Set, a DELUXE Cypher System Rulebook, and two striking new genre books, this campaign has something for everyone—new fans and Cypher System veterans alike!
$711,366 🎉of $50,0004,559backers
The Dragons Vault
5,724 FollowersFaerie: A Realm Wanderer's Guide | Feudal Fey Expansion for 5e!
Get lost in the distant realm of Faerie, a brutal 5e campaign setting of blood, iron and fey, inspired by the original British Faerie Folklore and medieval myth!
£165,473 🎉of £10,0002,547backers
Grant Mielke
9,837 FollowersMythCraft TTRPG Enhanced: New Loot, Reprint, and VTT Support!
MythCraft TTRPG Returns: Forge Your Myth, Embark on New Sagas, and Create Epic Adventures in the Ultimate Tabletop Experience!
$139,903 🎉of $30,0001,002backers
Crossed Paths
17,145 FollowersBrambletrek - A GM-Less RPG Adventure Gamebook
Play as a Gnawborn, a small but valiant creature from the forests of Hyhill in the world of Akeroth. Tired of your quiet life, you've decided to embark on an epic journey. Your path is fraught with danger, wonder, and self-discovery.
£74,228 🎉of £1,0002,269backers
Two Little Mice
12,581 FollowersHousehold - Welcome to the Garden
Saddle your mouse, grab your trusty scissor, and get ready to discover the Garden! Household Volume II is the highly anticipated sequel expansion for the Household RPG.
€530,124 🎉of €10,0003,438backers
Evan — Nimble Co.
5,929 FollowersNimble 2: A Fast, Tactical, 5e Compatible, RPG
Eliminate the slog in your 5e combat, speed up play and maximize interesting, tactical choices for players and DMs.
$265,912 🎉of $5,0004,290backers
The Story Engine
9,314 FollowersThe Story Engine: Lore Master's Deck
Lore Master's Deck is the ultimate creative jumpstarter for writers, game masters, and worldbuilders who want to fill their stories with rich, interconnected lore.
$506,282 🎉of $75,0003,741backers
Monte Cook Games
41,491 FollowersThe Weird
Make every encounter, adventure, and even campaign more engaging, memorable, and fun. From legendary D&D designer Monte Cook!
$405,882 🎉of $50,0004,272backers
Rowan, Rook and Decard
23,346 FollowersHOLLOWS - TTRPG Boss Fights Done Right
Plunge into the nightmare realms of Hollows and slay other people's personal demons. Hollows' unique tactical combat system allows for dynamic positioning and tactical gambits, and makes combat spectacular.
£252,583 🎉of £75,0002,843backers
Lone Colossus Games
3,783 FollowersTome of Intangible Treasures
A 5e-compatible collection of intangible rewards for characters; including boons, pacts, titles, trainings, and more
$82,097 🎉of $10,0001,162backers
Monte Cook Games
41,491 FollowersThe Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game
The tabletop roleplaying game based on the hit horror podcast The Magnus Archives.
$2,027,997 🎉of $100,00011,622backers
Storytellers Forge Studios
5,164 FollowersThe Black Ballad
The perfect campaign to run after a TPK! If death awaits all adventurers, then the salvation of resurrection is always the hope.
$155,545 🎉of $65,0001,623backers
Exalted Funeral Press
36,415 FollowersLand of Eem
The Lord of the Rings meets The Muppets in this lighthearted fantasy tabletop roleplaying game! Land of Eem is packed with simple rules and resources that encourage players to be creative and make GMing easy.
$239,820 🎉of $20,0002,608backers
Renegade Game Studios
31,571 FollowersWelcome to Night Vale Roleplaying Game
The Welcome to Night Vale Roleplaying Game is a campaign setting for the Essᴇɴᴄᴇ20 Rᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ Sʏsᴛᴇᴍ, based on the Welcome to Night Vale podcast.
$529,977 🎉of $25,0006,654backers
Steve Jackson Games
36,936 FollowersMunchkin Big Box
Dive into 25 years of chaos and monster-slaying, all in one gigantic box, the Munchkin Big Box! Kill the monsters, betray your buddies, and hoard the treasures like never before.
$1,313,127 🎉of $75,0009,197backers
Magpie Games
61,496 FollowersRapscallion: Strange Pirate Roleplaying on the Great Sea!
Rapscallion is a tabletop roleplaying game in which you play a rambunctious crew of pirates, testing their luck against the unpredictable winds of Fate on the Great Sea—a unique setting featuring terrifying leviathans, living books, and magic aplenty.
$187,536 🎉of $25,0003,118backers
Monte Cook Games
41,491 FollowersKnights of Dust and Neon
Strange, dark times call for strange, dark heroes—and these three new titles for the Cypher System deliver! Plus great pledge options for gamers trying out the Cypher System for the first time.
$372,670 🎉of $100,0002,403backers
Nord Games
26,168 FollowersThe Oracle Monster Generator for Fantasy RPGs
Comprehensive monster generation with over 1 billion combinations per deck for any fantasy roleplaying game, writers, and storytellers.
$103,096 🎉of $10,0001,454backers
Two Little Mice
12,581 FollowersOutgunned Adventure
The Cinematic Action RPG Outgunned is BACK! Here's your chance to grab all the original books, and the new standalone genre book Outgunned Adventure.
€482,202 🎉of €10,0003,490backers
Paddy Finn
10,467 FollowersSayuri's Chest of Wonders - Silk Road D&D 5e!
A big book of Silk Road inspired magic items, adventures, monsters & more for D&D 5e. Don't miss out on your Early Bird reward!
$17,542 🎉of $1,000498backers
Atlas Games
23,580 FollowersArs Magica Definitive Edition
Ars Magica's deluxe edition with vastly expanded text, new art and graphic design, and luxurious upgrades.
$841,123 🎉of $15,0005,046backers