Household - Welcome to the Garden

Household - Welcome to the Garden

Saddle your mouse, grab your trusty scissor, and get ready to discover the Garden! Household Volume II is the highly anticipated sequel expansion for the Household RPG.
€530,124 🎉
of €10,000
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Household Volume II is a great expansion for the Household RPG. It picks up the story not long after the events described in Volume I.

This book will expand the world of the game, opening the door to the Garden and introducing new Little Folk as well as other creatures of all shapes and sizes. You will be able to visit the Fountain where the legendary Battle of Quillwaters took place, Bramble Town where the Boggarts found refuge during their time in exile, and even the Stump of the Dèndronaos Tree and the distant Shogunate of the Silver Blade in the Backyard.

On top of that, Household Volume II will also introduces new Folk and Vocations, additional mechanics tied to the changing Seasons, new Colossal Opponents that are completely out of scale for all littlings, and much more!


Household is an ENNIE Award Nominated (Product of the Year, Best Production Value) RPG about Littlings, little folks living grand-tiny adventures in a big abandoned House. Set in a regency-like era, 100 years after the disappearance of the Master, Adventures in the Household features an immersive lore that takes players into a unique setting.

Click here to download a free 100-pages Quickstart Guide and start playing today!

The House is vast and dangerous, full of pitfalls and traps, it has seen thousands of battles, but it’s always beautiful and majestic. #DSN Start in the center of the grid. Its tall Walls decorated with ancient motifs shine with all the colors of the Master, and the Carpets with their thick, tall tufts stretch out to the horizon, endless.

In Household you will find 5 Rooms filled with little cities, NPCs and quest hooks. These are: the Dining Hall, the Living Room, the Bedroom, the Bathroom and the Basement.

The City of Tuberdam in the Bathroom, the Basement, and the Living Room

In household you will find 6 playable Professions, each one with many different Vocations to choose from, and 4 playable Little Folks:

  • The Faeries: Known for their grace, and for the beauty of their dragonfly wings.
  • The Boggarts: The strongest and most loyal among all the little people.
  • The Sluagh: The outsiders from Farbeyond, able to regenerate from even deadly wounds
  • The Sprites: Who share an ancestral bond with the Household Fire, Water or Air.


In Household Volume II you will find 4 new outer Folk:

  • Fae: The previously termed “Wild Faeries”, the children of the Stars who did not follow so-called dear departed Oberon Trismegistus during his Exodus into the House, and who chose to remain outside and stand watch over the Stump of Dèndronaos.

  • Gnomes: Born Out of the Soil, the Gnomes are Sprites connected to the earth. Hard- working littlings of sound principles, they are the keepers of ancient traditions, and live their lives in perfect harmony with Nature and with the ever-changing Seasons.

  • Barghests: The Boggarts who never returned to the House after the Restoration Pact have taken on the name of Barghests, and still mostly reside in Bramble Town, the settlement established by William “Walnut” Hearthworth, after his Folk was cast into exile.

  • Shinigami: There is no disputing the fact that the Shinigami are the most ancient of all Folk from Farbeyond. These generally wise and warlike littlings had conquered the Backyard long before the time when the Sluagh Clans were unified by Kubalai Khan.

A barghest, a gnome, and a shinigami

Household Volume II will introduce 2 new Animal Companions for all Animal Handlers. These creatures are rather unique both in their appearance and behavior, and just as commonplace in the Garden as they are exotic in the eyes of the good littlings from the House.

  • The Moth: The nocturnal moth is an elegant and prudent companion, much appreciated especially by the Fae of the Seelie and the Shinigami from the Backyard.

  • The Frog: Frogs and toadlets of all shapes and sizes are placid and sturdy companions who prefer to live in the areas surrounding the Fountain and the Rushes, but are equally common throughout the Outhold.

A little moth, and a little frog

Finally, Household Volume II will bring 3 additional Vocations for each of the existing Profession, and a brand new Profession: the Wayfarer

In the vast expanse of the Outhold, the profession of Wayfarer is considered just as relevant and distinct as any other occupation.
In  Volume II, you will find everything you need to know about this new Profession, as well as its signature moves and 3 fitting vocations: Traveling Artist, Valet, and Settler.


The Garden.

Some call it the Outhold, or Endless Green.

Some see it as a harsh, inhospitable land, and some call it the last bastion of freedom.

Some strive to conquer it, poor souls.

The truth is, nothing out there is like it is on the inside, and it is all immeasurably vast. Too vast, even.

And yet, if you know where to look, you can maybe find yourself.

Beyond the First Threshold, there’s an old Porch, and beyond that, a green Garden as far as the eye can see. It swells with colors during Spring, turns red and orange when Autumn comes, and gets covered in white by the first snow of Winter.

Even if the Garden covers the entire perimeter of the House, the littlings from inside and out usually divide it into two great areas: the Front Yard and the Backyard.

  • The Front Yard is wild and lush, growing increasingly untamed as you leave the Mother Road behind and travel toward the Fountain, where the historical Battle of Quillwaters took place. Only a few brave littlings venture beyond these places and travel to the Fence, the outermost barrier between the Garden and the dense darkness that marks the be- ginnings of Faraway.

  • The Backyard, on the other hand, is quieter and more secluded. It’s the peaceful and shady home of a Shogunate that steered clear of household matters for many long years. Here, the wilderness clashes, and usually loses the fight, against a grounded civilization with high morals, the staunch defenders of ancient cultures from Farbeyond.

The Map of the Garden by Fabio Porfidia

The littlings of the Outhold live in harmony with and show great respect to the Seasons. And how could things be any other way, considering that Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter come along year after year, and whenever one of them visits or leaves, its natural might alters the Garden completely.

In Household Volume II, you will find four sections, each dedicated to one of the Seasons, including a clear description of the changing colors of the Garden, of the beasts, dangers, opportunities, and discoveries that await you at different times throughout the year. 

Out there in the Garden, there are truly terrifying creatures, and I’m not talking about the recluse spiders, the zealot praying mantises, and the absentminded sparrows who
mistake littlings like us for meaty worms, but about the truly out-of-scale, huge, and ferocious beasts who claim the Garden as their hunting grounds.

In Household Volume II you will meet huge beasts covered in fur, feathers, or scales, creatures so terrifyingly large that they could use Bismilla as a belt. But you will also find rules and tips on how to best “deal with” these creatures, or at least give it an educated try. In all confidence, if I were you, I’d do my best to steer clear of such beasts!

You will never see squirrels in the same way again!


Here's a list of all the different Pledge Levels

  • If you are NEW to Household, you might want to take a look at Historian, Mouse Rider, or Household Hero.

  • If you already own Household, please take a look at Guest, Littling, Outsider, or Garden Hero.

The Garden Hero and Household Hero pledge levels will also give you access to All Unlocked Physical Stretch Goals!

All the new books in PDF format

  • Household Volume II [PDF] 

  • A Saga of the Long Winter [PDF]

  • The Art of Household [PDF]

  • ALL Unlocked Digital Stretch Goals

The all new Household Volume II

  • Household Volume II [Hardcover + PDF] 

  • A Saga of the Long Winter [PDF]

  • The Art of Household [PDF]

  • ALL Unlocked Digital Stretch Goals

The complete Garden expansion

  • Household Volume II [Hardcover + PDF] 

  • A Saga of the Long Winter [Hardcover +PDF]

  • The Art of Household [PDF]

  • ALL Unlocked Digital Stretch Goals

The House & the Garden

  • Household Volume I - Corebook [Hardcover + PDF] 

  • Household Volume II [Hardcover + PDF] 

  • The Art of Household [PDF]

  • ALL Unlocked Digital Stretch Goals

A collection of 32mm figures

  • Household Heroes Box [30 figures]

  • Household Volume II [PDF] 

  • A Saga of the Long Winter [PDF]

  • The Art of Household [PDF]

  • ALL Unlocked Digital Stretch Goals

The complete Volume I collection

  • Household Volume I - Corebook [Hardcover + PDF] 

  • A Saga of the Fragile Peace [Hardcover + PDF] - Adventures/Campaign

  • A Practical Guide to Living Inside the House [Hardcover + PDF] - Lore Expansion

  • Opera Omnia I Deluxe Bookcase [Book-shaped, magnetic closure Box] 

  • House Dice  [9 custom d6 + 1 numeric d6]

  • Narrator Screen 

  • Map of the House

  • ALL Unlocked Digital Stretch Goals

The complete Volume II collection

  • Household Volume II [Hardcover + PDF] 

  • A Saga of the Long Winter [Hardcover + PDF] - Adventures/Campaign

  • The Art of Household [Hardcover + PDF] - Official Artbook

  • Opera Omnia II Deluxe Bookcase [Book-shaped, magnetic closure Box] 

  • Garden Dice  [9 custom d6 + 1 numeric d6]

  • Season Screen 

  • Map of the Garden

  • ALL Unlocked Physical and Digital Stretch Goals

  • UNLOCKED: Dice Pouch

  • UNLOCKED: Garden Aces Deck

  • UNLOCKED: Household Coin (hexagonal)

  • UNLOCKED: Frog Coin (triangular)

  • UNLOCKED: Barn Owl Coin (square)

  • UNLOCKED: Dice Scroll 

  • UNLOCKED: Household History Laminated Poster

The complete Volume I + II collection

  • Household Volume I - Corebook [Hardcover + PDF] 

  • Household Volume II [Hardcover + PDF] 

  • A Saga of the Fragile Peace [Hardcover + PDF] - Adventures/Campaign

  • A Saga of the Long Winter [Hardcover + PDF] - Adventures/Campaign

  • A Practical Guide to Living Inside the House [Hardcover + PDF] - Lore Expansion

  • The Art of Household [Hardcover + PDF] - Official Artbook

  • Opera Omnia I Deluxe Bookcase [Book-shaped, magnetic closure Box] 

  • Opera Omnia II Deluxe Bookcase [Book-shaped, magnetic closure Box] 

  • House Dice  [9 custom d6 + 1 numeric d6]

  • Garden Dice  [9 custom d6 + 1 numeric d6]

  • Narrator Screen 

  • Season Screen 

  • Map of the House

  • Map of the Garden

  • Aces Deck [20 Aces + 5 Jokers] 

  • ALL Unlocked Physical and Digital Stretch Goals

  • UNLOCKED: Dice Pouch

  • UNLOCKED: Garden Aces Deck

  • UNLOCKED: Household Coin (hexagonal)

  • UNLOCKED: Frog Coin (triangular)

  • UNLOCKED: Barn Owl Coin (square)

  • UNLOCKED: Dice Scroll

  • UNLOCKED: Household History Laminated Poster



The Art of Household is a landscape format artbook that features high quality printing and close-ups of the most beautiful illustrations from Household Volume I and II.

200+ pages, hardcover, soft touch finish.

The gorgeous landscape format Art of Household

The majority of the illustration for Household were made by talented 2LM Lead Artist Daniela Giubellini (Outgunned, Inferno, Apocalisse). Additional art was masterfully painted by Antonio De Luca's Quadra Studio (The One Ring™, Lex Arcana). The Household Maps were made by Fabio Porfidia.

Holy Empress Titania Lightheart as the Ace of Hearts

Two Little Mice (2LM) is a small Italian studio with a passion for art and games.
Founded by Riccardo "Rico" Sirignano, Simone Formicola, and talented artist Daniela Giubellini, 2LM has created many RPGs with a focus on artistic and production quality, winning several ENNIE Awards.
Among the game published by Two Little Mice we have the Cinematic Action RPG Outgunned (Silver ENNIE for Best Game and Product of the Year 2024), Broken Compass and Memento Mori.

The English translation of Outgunned Adventure is in the skilled hands of Caterina Arzani (Household, Outgunned, Memento Mori, Broken Compass), who is once again teaming up with editor and friend John Marron.

#DSN Move two squares to the left.

We plan to ship Household Volume II by the end of December 2025.

We will be charging shipping after the campaign concludes, based on the actual costs incurred to ship. We will collect this via our pledge manager after the campaign ends, using PayPal or Stripe.

Following is a list of rough estimates for shipping the base pledges.


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