Gaming Honors
9 months ago

Project Update: Surveys are Sent! Only TWO Dedications to Go!

Greetings, Greyhairs and Gamers!

Thanks for a terrific response rate to the survey! More than 60% of you have completed the survey. That's amazing! Keep 'em coming!

And we only need TWO more Dedications! Because these dedications will be printed in the first run of the Monster Manual, we need them before the volume goes to the printer.

Don't forget that the survey is also a great chance to add extra copies of the Mid-Life Monster Manual for gifts--or warnings--for other gamers! Because you have all done so well responding, we are still aiming to get these to you by the end of July.

If you're a Dungeon Crawl Classics or 5E fan, don't miss the incredible campaign going on for Caverns of Thracia. It's a fantastic classic adventure and setting, and these OSR books are treasures for those of us who are more "experienced" gamers. Check it out!

That's it for now. If I'm forgetting anything, I blame the Recollect Devourer!
This monster always attacks me at the grocery store. Another great piece from Jeff Witty!

Thanks, everyone!

Martin at Gaming Honors





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