Gaming Honors
9 months ago

Project Update: A Grognard's Gratitude and Next Steps

Greetings, Gamers and Grognards!

THANK YOU for your amazing support of our latest parody, The Mid-Life Monster Manual! It's been a blast hearing about your early experiences with monster manuals, and we are grateful to all of you for helping make this book a reality. With your help, our talented artists are bringing everything from Dorcs to Mind-Sayers to Lame-Yas to life!

So what happens next?

We set an ambitious goal for the fulfillment of this project: in the mail before Gen Con! We are waiting for a bit more art--including the full-page illustration YOU unlocked--but the writing is done, and the layout has begun. (The poetry just comes to me...)

But here is where YOU can help. Andrea is working hard to get the survey ready to send to you as soon as Backerkit approves. Please fill it out as soon as you can once you receive it. This is particularly important for those of you including a dedication. We need to review, approve, and then add the dedications to the module before we send it to the printer.

If you've read our blog at, you know that these parodies are part of how I use RPGs to make sense of the world. Thank you for helping me tackle these mid-life monsters!

With Gratitude,

Martin at Gaming Honors





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