Gaming Honors
9 months ago

Project Update: Approaching the Final Hours, and Full-Page Illustration Achieved!

Greetings, Grognards and Greying Gamers! (And everyone in between!)

We have less than 48 hours to go before we wrap up the campaign for the MID-LIFE MONSTER MANUAL. Thanks to your support, the manual will now include a full-page illustration featuring a party of adventurers confronting a terrifying assortment of mid-life monsters!

And remember, every backer will also receive a PDF of Matt Morrow's cover art! And It's even cooler than you suspected! If you are familiar with the 1E book that serves as our parody's inspiration, then you know the original cover image reaches the front AND back. Well, so will ours! Here's a sneak peek at Matt's nearly finished work:

The sun is getting real low...

As you can see, the back features such horrors as the Hip o' Grief, the Rusty Monster, the Purple Ear-Worm, and more! Of course, all of these creatures are fully described inside.

Finally, please remember this campaign is your only opportunity to include a Dedication to your favorite gamer or gaming group. These Dedications will be printed in "Appendix D" in our first printing. See the Dedication pledge level for more information.

We're almost there! Please continue to share the campaign, and we'll see you at the finish line!

Many thanks,

Martin at Gaming Honors

An additional FULL-PAGE illustration featuring an encounter between heroes and monsters!
Goal: $5,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!





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