3 months ago

Project Update: FujoCoded BackerKit: Physical goods, digital goods, and legal…good things

Hello generous and benevolent Backers! It’s time for another update on how we’re using your seed money to launch FujoCoded LLC🍋 and get you those sweet rewards while we’re at it.

If you're legally-minded and wish to help, check out our volunteer opportunity in the "What’s Next for the FujoCoded BackerKit" section!

Recent Progress on our BackerKit Campaign

Fulfillment Survey Locked In: Last month, we warned you our fulfillment survey was about to hit your inboxes. Hopefully you all received your surveys, because the last day to fill them out was Sunday the 7th. If you do realize you need to make a change, please contact [email protected]. You’ll still be able to change your shipping address until we get closer to shipping.

Bonus FujoGuide Article Section: We’ve been working on the section of our website that will contain our free educational articles, including our stretch goal from the campaign: a how-to article on using the terminal. 

  • Our existing team has written the first draft of the article on Terminal to serve as the base for a future version.
  • This rough base definitely needs love from a technical writer. This is where the money you helped us raise comes in: while we’re still working on the legal and logistical side, we’re raring to engage the help of a dedicated contractor.

Digital Goodies Pack: Remember our first “100 shares on social media” stretch goal? Every single one of our backers will be getting the digital goodies pack we offered in our Fujoshi Guide to Web Development Kickstarter! 

We already promised you wallpapers, emojis, and “other oddities we can scrounge up featuring our characters,” so this month it was time to find out what oddities we could conjure! The fulfillment team held a brainstorming meeting, and here’s what we came up with:

  • Wallpapers (desktop + phone)
  • Emojis (for Discord)
  • Campaign badges - get credit for helping us succeed!
  • Web decorations (shimeji pet + Under Construction web banner)
  • Behind the Scenes of FujoGuide character creation
  • Paper dolls (based on the dress-up exercise in the FujoGuide)

We hope this digital pack will have something for everyone! The delivery of this Goodies pack will align with the delivery date for the physical rewards—probably mid-August or early September, according to how long manufacturing takes. We’ll let backers of both campaigns know exactly when to expect something shiny in your inboxes!

Lawyering Up, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo: After a few scheduling disappointments, we have some progress to report on the legal front:

  • We once again met with a SELC (Sustainable Economies Law Center) lawyer about FujoCoded LLC’s membership structure and for help understanding the intricacies of employment and contract law.
  • We’ve had our initial meeting with a fandom-friendly IP (Intellectual Property) lawyer recommended to us during the campaign. In the meeting, we made sure we were a mutual fit, established our legal priorities, and discussed what kind of research and prep work we would need to do in order to keep legal costs down. It looks like the contract draft we’ve been working was moving in the right direction! We’re getting closer to proper contracts with our artists and helpers.
  • We’ve gotten in contact with a potential employment lawyer, and will schedule a first meeting in the following weeks.

There’s lots of research left to be done on our many, many legal options. We hope to have even more to share next time! If you wish to help, read on for a volunteer opportunity!

What’s Next for the FujoCoded BackerKit

Stocking Up: Now that we’ve locked in everyone’s preferences with regard to physical rewards, we can get everything in production! That covers:

  • Ordering all the stickers/totes/T-shirts/etc
  • Our founder Ms Boba lovingly crafting all the FujoBoards and bottling all the Catboy Bathwater 
  • Purchasing shipping supplies in bulk

Next month, we’ll try to have some more behind-the-scenes snapshots for you. By then we’ll have all the merchandise in our hands (we hope) and be able to show off the goods!

Digital Goodies Incoming: Now that we have the goodies figured out, we’ll be assembling the high-res files for distribution. Backers can expect to receive all the goodies in their inboxes when the physical rewards start shipping—either mid-August or early September, according to how long manufacturing takes.

Volunteer Opportunity - Legal Research: We're looking for volunteers ready to brave legal language and documents to create the initial drafts of our contributor contracts by piecing together existing templates. Help us complete our prep work and move forward with IP rights agreements for our character designers, illustrators, and writers! No formal legal experience or license required (although appreciated): all contracts will be extensively reviewed by paid legal professionals before being put into use!

Hang Out with FujoCoded on Twitch 💬✨

As mentioned in last month’s communications, our founder Ms Boba will be streaming only once a week (instead of twice a week) for the foreseeable future. There’s always a chance of an unscheduled bonus stream, so keep an eye on either your Twitch notifications, our social media feeds, or on Ms Boba’s permanent “streaming schedule” page.

Here’s the schedule for upcoming Twitch streams—while we have some work tentatively scheduled, for the most part you’ll just get to hang out with Ms Boba as she works on campaign fulfillment stuff and other company needs. This month, the bulk of the work will be the Issue 1 preview and digital rewards fulfilments, so if you’re curious about those come on in!

  • Thursday, July 18 @ 3pm PDT: Let’s Build a Wallpaper Generator! (recording, generator)
  • Monday, July 22 @ 3pm PDT: No breaks, zine only, FINAL DESTINATION
  • Thursday, August 1 @ 3pm PDT: BobaBoard Stream: Issue Tracking Edition
  • Monday, August 5 @ 3pm PDT: Coworking time!
  • Thursday, August 15 @ 3pm PDT: Coworking time!

It’s been another packed and productive month—kudos to you if you’re keeping us honest by actually reading all these updates 😉 If there’s anything you’d like to hear more about, let us know via [email protected] or reach out on social media!

The FujoCoded LLC Team
(several sentient auto-generated wallpapers in a zip file)




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