Essential Randomnesss
5 months ago

Project Update: Our First Progress Update: Backerkit Rewards Pipeline & Legal Exploration

Dear Backers,
After our well-deserved break and some time heads down in fullfilment, we’re finally back with regular communications! During our high-octane, short-duration campaign, backers received frequent updates whenever we hit major campaign milestones. Now that the campaign is over, we're shifting into a more predictable update schedule. 

Once a month, you'll receive a newsletter via BackerKit containing the following content:

  • Our progress toward delivering your backer rewards
  • What else we’re doing with the money you gave us (such as talking to lawyers or hiring contractors)
  • When & where you can connect with FujoCoded LLC on stream

We're excited to jump in and get this thing rolling! If you wish to read the updates to all campaigns in a single, convenient place, you can subscribe to the FujoCoded LLC newsletter at the bottom of our website. The campaign updates here will be be taken directly from our company-wide ones to save our comms team time and effort.

Recent Progress

With guidance from folks who’ve shipped rewards for other campaigns, we’ve made some impressive strides toward fulfillment for those of you who backed our campaign. To date, we have:

  • Made a detailed fulfillment plan, including a breakdown of all tasks needed and an aspirational timeline to help us pace ourselves
  • Ordered samples of both T-shirts and tote bags to double-check sizing, quality, and placement of the graphics
  • Commissioned art for the promised bonus “Over 9000!” Boba-tan sticker to commemorate raising over $9000 to launch Fujocoded, LLC!

We’ve also started putting the money you all helped raise to its intended use: working on getting our shiny new company ready to go. Here’s what that looks like so far:

  • Started informally talking to the folks who contacted us to offer legal services—thanks for all your help getting the word out!
  • Researched legal precedent regarding for-profit organizations and volunteer labor to make sure we do right by our generous community contributors… and to make sure we can ask smart questions when we talk to our legal counsel 🤓
  • Began working on an “Article” section to In the future, that’s where you’ll be able to find the articles we’re going to commission with the money you helped us raise.

What’s Next

There’s lots left to do, but we know what our next steps are:

  • Prepare the BackerKit backer survey so that everyone gets their rewards in the size, color, and design they want, shipped to them as cheaply as possible
  • Officially reach out to legal counsel to finalize employment contracts for future FujoCoded contract workers
  • Stream the completion of the hidden Sponsor Wall section of the FujoCoded home page. This will be in less than a hour on Twitch!

Hang Out with FujoCoded on Twitch 💬✨

For the rest of May and through all of June, Ms Boba will be streaming only once a week while she focuses on fulfillment for the recently concluded BackerKit campaign to launch FujoCoded LLC, and on wrapping up the writing for FujoGuide Volume 0.

There may be an extra bonus stream here or there, so keep an eye on our social media! You can check Ms Boba’s “streaming schedule” page here.

Currently, the schedule is as follows:
A lot of TBD, which are really “whatever we need to get done that’d interesting/educative for people to watch us work on”

…and that’s all for this month, folks! Thanks for your continued interest and support—we couldn’t do what we do without you cheering us on.

See you next month,
The FujoCoded LLC Team
(several raccoons in a trench coat)





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