Creators You Might Like
These are creators that you might be interested because you are interested in FujoCoded LLC: Software and education for a better web by FujoCoded LLC .
Iron Circus Comics
36,646 FollowersSmut Peddler X & My Monster Girlfriend
Two collections of classy porn for classy ladies and folks of distinguished taste!
$193,381 🎉of $20,0003,998backers
Iron Circus Comics
36,646 FollowersLackadaisy: What Comes Next. Books, Plushes, and Animation!
Help us kick off SEASON ONE of the animated Lackadaisy! Plus, get your hands on hardcover reissues of Lackadaisy in print, and plushies, too!
$2,008,728 🎉of $125,00016,053backers
Publishing Goblin
17,436 FollowersPublishing Goblin's Oracle Dice, 2nd Edition
The iconic oracle dice set from the creator of the Alleyman's Tarot is back with a second edition. 21 custom made dice, 126 faces of fate... What futures will your dice foretell?
$213,809 🎉of $50,0003,319backers
Iron Circus Comics
36,646 FollowersIndiginerds: Tales From Modern Indigenous Life
Indiginerds collects work from over a dozen Indigenous artists and writers! From gaming to social media, pirateradio to garagebands, Star Trek to D&D, all the way to missed connections and drama at the pow-wow, Indigenous culture is growing and vibrant!
$46,001 🎉of $20,0001,681backers
The Snarky Company
5,525 FollowersInk & Enamel
A pin collection for readers, audiobook fans, and book lovers.
$54,837 🎉of $3,0001,046backers
Evil Hat Productions
39,313 FollowersGirl by Moonlight
A game about the tragic struggles and defiant triumphs of a group of magical girls resisting an oppressive society. Girl by Moonlight explores the heartbreak of denying who you really are, and the transcendent power of relationships and community.
$266,206 🎉of $30,0005,486backers
Publishing Goblin
17,436 FollowersConfluence: The Living Archive
Confluence is an expansive tabletop roleplaying game of in-world artifacts and Atlases, built upon a world and a system that grows and changes as you explore.
$72,045 🎉of $55,000805backers
The Story Engine
9,314 FollowersThe Story Engine: Lore Master's Deck
Lore Master's Deck is the ultimate creative jumpstarter for writers, game masters, and worldbuilders who want to fill their stories with rich, interconnected lore.
$506,282 🎉of $75,0003,741backers
Carrie Alyson | Aspenhearted
2,516 FollowersTidal Treasures
A collection of enamel pins and stickers featuring the wildlife and habitats of the Pacific Coast tide pools and kelp forests. Join me in celebrating our love for these beautiful, strange, and adorable aquatic creatures.
$18,704 🎉of $3,000226backers
17,392 FollowersHow to GM Romance
Set your hearts ablaze. Learn to make romance in your tabletop games accessible, fun, and easy for everyone at the table. Including 🔧mechanics,🖋️how-to essays,🎲tables, &🎨art created by leading designers in the field.
$40,600 🎉of $15,000928backers
Carrie Alyson | Aspenhearted
2,516 FollowersCoping Cats
This collection of adorable cat pins will inspire you to chase your dreams, believe in your own magic, and remind you of the ultimate in feline wisdom: sometimes laying on the floor and staring at nothing is good enough.
$41,106 🎉of $3,000579backers
Publishing Goblin
17,436 FollowersNormal Tarot: The Third One
The launch of the beautiful 3rd Edition of the Normal Tarot, and reprints of the 1st and 2nd edition decks!
$155,006 🎉of $35,0001,903backers
4,571 FollowersAnxiety Fox Pocket Friends Plush Toys!
Take Anxiety Fox with you as an emotional support friend! Super soft, soothing plush toys are perfect to stick in your pocket and are ready for their next adventure with you! Choose your color and take on the world!
$116,238 🎉of $10,0002,068backers
Monte Cook Games
41,495 FollowersThe Weird
Make every encounter, adventure, and even campaign more engaging, memorable, and fun. From legendary D&D designer Monte Cook!
$405,882 🎉of $50,0004,272backers
2,644 FollowersAuDHD creatures plushies + more!
meet critter, bug, and dash, part of the AuDHD creatures + friends crew! plushies, stickers, pins, charms and more of characters based on colors and symbols associated with a variety of disabilities.
$78,574 🎉of $3,0001,046backers
Rowan, Rook and Decard
23,473 FollowersHOLLOWS - TTRPG Boss Fights Done Right
Plunge into the nightmare realms of Hollows and slay other people's personal demons. Hollows' unique tactical combat system allows for dynamic positioning and tactical gambits, and makes combat spectacular.
£252,583 🎉of £75,0002,843backers
4,571 FollowersWolf Pup & Friends Plush Toys!
Wolf Pup & Friends are plush toys of adorable forest critters! With your help, we can unlocked wolves and more!
$43,543 🎉of $6,000795backers
7,073 FollowersSnug-Alongs Plush Backpacks: Series 2
Cuddly soft animal plush backpacks!
$291,488 🎉of $15,0002,087backers
The Snarky Company
5,525 FollowersInk & Enamel - Fantasy and Romance Book Pins
A pin project for bibliophiles who like their books with a dose of fantasy, a dash of romance, or a bit of both.
$24,499 🎉of $5,000493backers
The Snarky Company
5,525 FollowersQueer & Here Pin Collection
Snarky co.’s first pin collection for the LGBTQIA+ community.
$20,481 🎉of $5,000572backers
Monte Cook Games
41,495 FollowersThe Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game
The tabletop roleplaying game based on the hit horror podcast The Magnus Archives.
$2,027,997 🎉of $100,00011,622backers
6,622 FollowersMy Cryptid Crush
A pin and plush collection for all the monster kissers out there! Featuring over a dozen lovingly rendered cryptids, this project contains something for everyone and will continue to grow with your help.
$150,618 🎉of $3,5001,530backers
150,401 FollowersWords of Radiance Leatherbound by Brandon Sanderson
Words of Radiance, the second in Brandon Sanderson's epic series The Stormlight Archive, arrives in leatherbound! You can also join in for a New Secret Project, Dragonsteel Prime, The Way of Kings Prime (Second Edition), spren plushies, and more!
$23,756,818 🎉of $2,000,000102,089backers
Publishing Goblin
17,436 FollowersFrom the Alley: the Alleyman Pinset
Your daily commute is so close to magic every day. Step from the street into the Alley, and find the fantastic.
$12,375 🎉of $1,000279backers
Publishing Goblin
17,436 FollowersBlood & Rust: The Misery Tarot
From the Alley: The Misery Tarot seeks to be born from the deep wound in our hearts. Through blood and rust, the Misery Tarot crawls from the dark. A tarot to traverse our trauma and pain, uniquely reading over the top of other tarot decks.
$77,800 🎉of $35,000812backers