T. Ashley Jenkins
9 months ago

Project Update: Let's get shipping!

Hello everyone! Check this out: it's a big pile of boxes in my living room

A big pile of boxes in my living room

Of course, this picture is a bit out of date, because as of today, that big pile of boxes is no longer in my living room - it's at the post office!

This batch includes domestic backers (in the US), mostly people who got the complete merch package (with signed or unsigned posters) - those are the big boxes - and people who only got the enamel pins, which are in the little parcels there in the box on top. I'll be working on getting the international backers their rewards soon, along with those who got unusual combinations of merch (like just the poster, or extra enamel pin sets).

If you haven't filled out your survey yet, don't fret! I'll be checking back in periodically and sending out batches as they come in. Better get on top of that, though! Also, a few people haven't locked their addresses, or their cards have been declined - if you're unsure of the status of your order, you may want to double check!

Getting this merchandise made and shipped out has been a bunch of fun. Down the line, in like some months or a year or something, I might even do a crowdfund campaign just for more Petal merch at some point. Let me know what sort of stuff you'd be interested in!

Looking forward to seeing you all get your rewards - if you put the pins on a bag or something, take a picture and show me! I'd love to see it!





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