T. Ashley Jenkins
10 months ago

Project Update: All the merch is ready! Surveys soon!

Hello again from faerie!!

A quick update! The printed backer rewards just arrived, and they look wonderful! Between that and the pins, I have everything I need to start packing up rewards and getting them sent out.

All printed and ready to go!

I got some help navigating BackerKit's arcane and labyrinthine backend, so we should be ready to start sending out surveys soon! Once you get the survey, that's when you'll be paying for shipping. If you're not in the United States, the shipping will be kind of expensive. I am very sorry about that!

I'm putting a little extra time and effort into the packaging - I got little plastic sleeves to bundle the sticker sheets into packs, and small cloth pouches to house the enamel pins, so everything isn't just floating all loose all over the place in the box. I hope that makes the unboxing experience a little nicer!

I'll keep everyone updated as things move forward, but for now, happy petaling!





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