T. Ashley Jenkins
11 months ago

Project Update: The bonus sticker sheet, and an update on rewards!

Hello hello again everyone!

Did you know that getting a bunch of rewards manufactured and shipped to you takes a while? Weird

I just got three boxes full of other boxes to put rewards in, a label printer and labels to ship things out, and the enamel pins have been approved and are moving to manufacturing! Once we're close to ready to start actually shipping out the rewards, I'll get the survey sorted and sent out to everyone - that's where you'll enter your address information and pay for shipping.

In the meantime - check it out! The bonus stickers by kokuhaku are finished!

Since there are only four chibi characters this time around, there was a bunch of extra room on the sticker sheet. I could have made it smaller, but it wouldn't have made printing them that much cheaper, so instead I decided to fill the empty space with little bonus stickers - included are stickers for the Petal Crash 2 and original Petal Crash logos, the Friend & Fairy logo, and little mini-stickers of each character's little pixelated head that's used for the battle bar. The new chibi stickers are the same size and style as the originals from the first crowdfund campaign, so they can be used all together! Get the whole gang together!

You might notice that Libbie's design differs a bit from her appearance in the first Petal Crash! When I first adapted Libbie to the Petal Crash style, I was primarily going off her original design appearance - she was very geometric and abstract.

Libbie's original design.

I also mistook the white patterns on her feet for empty space and gave her heels when she didn't have any before. Oops.

This time around, I'm basing Libbie's design on a later illustration of Tyson Tan's for a "liberated Libbie", which makes her less icon-like and gives her a more detailed and organic appearance.

Her more detailed outfit will suit Petal Crash 2's new, expanded art style, and offer a lot more options for variety in character palettes! Libbie was so monochrome in Petal Crash Online, so having the ability to give different color options for her coat, dress, tie, hair, and other bits will open up a lot of possibilities.

I'm almost ready to show off some actual physical goods, and I'm so excited to do it! I can't wait to hold a handful of little metal Lilibris and start sorting them out to send to you all. Thanks again for supporting the future of Petal Crash!





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