3 days ago

Project Update: First Pin samples are here! LOTS of changes

Hey everyone!

EDIT: I am an idiot. A complete and utter dumb dumb. The pin samples with the pearl effect ARE pearl without swirl I got confused. I am having them be done with the pearl swirl effect to see what they look like. Then I'll make a poll and we can decide together which looks better. As for the flan pin... There was some misunderstanding on mine and my Manu's part. Their is a chance the flan pin will remain as is, but I'm going to do my best to have it true to my vision. Which is a cutout part that is transparent orange. I'll post an update as soon as I have images and more info. 

The first pin samples are here! Unfortunately they aren't great and some things seem to have gotten misunderstood? I'm not really sure I'm still figuring that out. But before we get into that..

Survey update! 

Most of you have filled out surveys! And we've raised a decent amount after words! I think I'll be able to produce the quicksand pin and keychain! But I'm going to wait a little longer before officially deciding.

There's 7 of you who still need to fill out your survey, so if you havent please do so!! Even if your payment failed you still receive a survey and have a 2nd chance to pay for your pledge. 

I'll most likely be locking orders near the end of March. Which is when, I hope, the samples will be done by! I will charge cards a little after that, but I will give warning for both so don't worry!

But now...

The samples!

I was actually debating on showing these or not but I wanted to give a small update on progress. And because these samples are so wrong it'll delay things slightly, so I eventually decided I'll just show them.

So here they are:

Let's start with the only good one, the collab freebie! This is just the enamel colors, the electroplating and printing need to be done still. But these colors are confirmed!

The Matcha Cake Roll

So.. First off, the effects are wrong on the body and the whipped cream. Those are supposed to be pearl no swirl. The color of the body is also... Not great I'm going to hold off on changing the color until I see it as the proper effect then make judgment. But I will probably
be changing that color.

The flan Frog

Again the effects are wrong, the caramel is supposed to be stained glass. While the current effect does look cool its not what I want. The body color seems fine to me, I might change the leaves to something else, maybe even glitter? Not sure yet. Again I want to reserve judgment until the effect is correct.

The mini macarons
These also have incorrect effects. The main body is supposed to be pearl no swirl. Based on these I like the colors of the blue and green, pink needs to be changed. I think I'll probably darken the plating and leave the body color as is, since it matches well with the other two. The cream part I'm still unsure of, I'm waiting to see these with the pearl to make final judgment.

And the last one I have (didn't get a photo of melon pan) Sourdough loaf

So uh, well, its a flesh loaf lol. Needless to say, the body color is getting changed. I'm still picking out a good color, the other two colors are good I think. The effect is also correct! So yay! Once I change the body color I'll make a final judgment on the other color.

That's all for now! Thanks everyone, once the pins are updated and hopefully have at least, correct effects I'll post them here!





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