Its the very last 24 hours and we've gained some more momentum, and so I have some very exciting news...
The mini macarons and the Matcha Cake roll are unlocked!! I've decided to self fund the remaining amount to get them made! I'm very excited to get these and I hope you are too!
Alongside these I'm also self funding the keychains! Mostly because I want them for upcoming events. So feel free to back for any keychains as well!
I've also finished the Boba quicksand pin design. Which its unlikely we'll make it to fund that one. But! I will leave it up as a stretch goal in the preorder store! It'll function a bit different. Basically you'll preorder the pin when you fill out the survey asking for your address and design choices. If we're able to order the minimum amount (20) then it'll get made! Otherwise I'll ill refund them to you if we're not able to get that. I'll give a little more info on this once the campaign ends and the survey and preorder store goes live.
Alright everyone.. That's it! Let's keep pushing who knows, maybe we can reach $1800!