Luka Rejec
3 months ago

Project Update: Updates From the Book Mines 2: Green Maps and Vastlands Copyediting

Noble backers, kind Goldenagers,

Welcome to another thrilling update from the book mines.

Weeks 8 and 9 were pretty much spent polishing off the Green Land section. Sometimes this kind of work can get a bit unpredictable - I struggled for a long time with how to visualize the distorted space-time of the Metropolis / Portal City. When the muse finally gave me the solution, she demanded I create a map to do it justice and that, well, that took 3 or 4 days of work.

Weeks 10 and 11, by contrast, had me applying the learnings from the Green Land section to the VLG layout. The good news is ... it works! The mildly annoying news is ... it takes it's time. Anyway, having gotten that nailed down and having worked through through the initial VLG feedback, we've signed a contract with Brandes S, who also did editing on the UVG 2E. The editing pass starts ... this week. Once that’s done I’ll be able to start bolting down the final layout and adding spot art. We’ll share the revised pdf once the editing is done, but before the final spot art is finished.

I couldn't help myself ... I did some tailored spot art anyway, here and there. I hope Brandes doesn't make me revise too much layout ... ⚔︎




Week 13 - Nov 25–24
  • VLG Work: I finished off the equipment section restructuring. There was a bit more revising here than I’d initially thought. I wasn’t completely happy with how I handled upgrades in UVG, so I restructured those into separate spreads. Effectively, there’s more strange and exotic items for you to enjoy now. Later this week I'll apply the edits to the first chapter and tighten the layout there. I think we're over halfway there with this book's final layout.
  • VLG Art: I even colored a few pieces because I couldn’t help myself.
  • US Thanksgiving: Happy thanksgiving! I also took a bit of time off to spend with family.

this one I'm really living dangerously ... zero excess space on this spread.


Week 12 - Nov 18–24
  • VLG Work: call with Brandes on Monday to hammer out the details. Brandes edited the first chapter (character creation). Luka revised the equipment chapter to use tables and updated art. Created custom chapter footer art, so each footer will be easier to pick out in the book.
  • VLG Art: Including a few new art pieces because of course that happened.
  • Did You Know: When you update your operating system, the way some fonts render in InDesign can change, and you may have to adjust your cell style text padding by 0.35mm to keep everything neat and aligned? Yeah, I didn’t know this either.

I revised the older golem armor piece (top right) with a few other examples and to better take advantage of the space. This is actually me living really dangerously, because if the spacing changes on that page, I'm ... in a bit of a pickle.


Week 11 - Nov 11–17
  • VLG Tables: I’ve been working on implementing the tables from OGA within VLG. This is pretty fiddly work, which comes down to getting table, cell, paragraph and character styles all working together. However, the result is nice and consistent tables throughout the book. The layout muse taketh and giveth.
  • VLG Art: spot art, headers, test spreads, revisions.
a sample VLG spread - before

the same VLG spread - after applying the learnings from the OGA Green Land section. I still have to integrate the warrior ... I'm probably going to float the Weapons chapter header over it, but that's definitely something to do at the very end.


Week 10 - Nov 4–10
  • OGA Work: finished the Green Land final layout test, assembled all the sections. Initial inking on final box art, incorporating the metropolis portal one map.
  • VLG Work: reviewing typohunter feedback and preparing document for copy editing.
  • News from the Printers: good news from the printers — my setup for the cover art works with the foil test, so the voidwalker covers will work exactly as I planned.
  • Foliage: went to see an ancient gingko tree

it's a bit frustrating trying to find a spread that really captures the fiddly nature of implementing tables but this one works neatly.

one roll ability score generation ... notice also that some of the bullet points are getting customized. I'm using the font I've made for the map to create custom bullets in the books as well.


Week 10 - Nov 4–10
  • OGA Work: finally finished the Green Land final layout test, assembled all the sections. Initial inking on final box art, incorporating the metropolis portal one map.
  • VLG Work: reviewing typohunter feedback and preparing document for copy editing.
  • Foliage: went to see an ancient gingko tree

There we are - the last spread of the green land. This chapter took a bit longer than the others should because it was the least finished (I had to actually write sections / still make parts for it) ... but I'm happy I did it, tying it together, because it let me figure out the bits and pieces for the rest of the layout. Note the cute little custom bullets for NPCs and artifacts!


Week 9 - Oct 28 to Nov 3
  • OGA Work: challenge: how to visualize the portal city / distorted spacetime within the great Emerald City? Solution: draw a map. Problem: to do it justice takes time.
  • OGA Map: Portal One, the great spiralling city. Well, that took 3 days to draw.
  • OGA Art: the airmaker, the time ponds, the portalspace diagram, the coalem, the ministerial estates, the dispensary
  • A bit frustrating, but I didn’t finish the Green Land by Friday as I’d hoped.

there, at left, look at that map ... well, that map was actually super fun to make. It kind of took over, demanding it be made. The muse, I suppose. Anyway, the full resolution version is available for all backers over on the discord (see link).


Week 8 - Oct 21–27
  • OGA Work: Green Land stylings. Cogflower exchequer
  • VLG Work: Cleaned up resources / replenishing section

spreads, spreads, spreads ... and pretty tables. I'm happy with how the tables turned out.


Pledge Manager Update

Thanks for your patience with the pledge manager! We anticipate the surveys to go out to backers this week. We will have another short update once they have all gone out. We can then start making preview PDFs available to backers via the pledge manager.

Ok, that's it for this update! This was a bit later and longer. Next one coming soon.
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