Hi folks!

In a couple of days we're going to have our next meeting with Exalted Funeral to discuss the proper big update, announcements, prepare the discord link, and lay out the road map for the next couple of months to make sure you get the Our Golden Age as soon as possible.

However, for myself, I'm going to also going to do something the doctor (well, the wife) ordered, which is to take a holiday. She's saying I need two weeks offline and that might well happen. I trust and hope you can all understand — I haven't had any time off since February. I think she has the right of it — last thing I want to do is burn out before (or after for that matter) delivering on this project!

The 4,071 of you who backed have put your trust in me in and that matters a great deal to me. I am deeply grateful and looking forward to giving you the world of the golden age you are expecting. I'm very excited to get to work on it, but ... as an outside observer, she's probably better placed to say I need some time without screens and social media for a bit.

Anyway — till Thursday or Friday, thank you so much once more and for any questions / comments: I'll be checking in!

With affection and respect,




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