Hey Folks! We’ve got another update for you from the Land of Eem!
Layout for all the books is nearing completion and we’re almost ready to kick off the final proofing. Once layout is done, all backers will be able to help out with proofreading by checking out the unproofed PDFs. So look out for those PDFs in the coming weeks. Now take a gander at some spreads from the Core Rulebook:
And more spreads from the Bestiary:
Once the final edits are made, we’ll be able to start preparing the PDFs for print, and share them with all of you!
Perfect for fans of The Last Kids on Earth and The Bad Guys series, Dungeoneer Adventures: Wrath of The Exiles is a great introduction to the Land of Eem for kiddos ages 8+!
Thanks so much for your support and patience as we complete the game!