Evil Hat Productions
4 months ago

Project Update: Rollout Timeline!

Hey friends, thanks for your patience as we've been putting things into place. Here's our planned timeline:

In the next week or so we will be shifting the project into pledge management mode. There are no physical rewards to ship so the good news is that unless you choose to upgrade your pledge, we will not be charging you any additional money. This is just a necessary step so we can start using BackerKit to deliver your various rewards like the webstore discount codes or PDF/Roll20 rewards if you backed at the VIP Package level.

We will begin onboarding people into MoonBeam the week of December 9th. As you may recall, MoonBeam is the streaming & community platform we'll be using to host these panels - as well as a place where you can discuss All Things Hat. You'll get codes and invites to join MoonBeam the second week of December.

We will be hosting a State of the Hat stream on Saturday, December 14th. Sean Nittner, our Director of Projects, will review the status of the various games on our development slate and answer questions about our release schedule/process. This was not part of the promised line-up but we wanted to offer you a little something extra for waiting. Plus it's a chance for us to pilot MoonBeam and shake out any issues that might pop up before the full GM panels.

We're targeting Saturday mornings in January & February for our four GM panels. We don't have specific dates to share just yet, but we feel that holding our panels at 9am Pacific time on a Saturday will accommodate the largest number of backers to view each stream. And if you can't attend a particular panel, they'll be available to view on demand. We'll get you more details on just when each panel will occur once we get all our expert GMs booked.

That's the update! We'll have more details for you as things get nailed down, but thank you again for being a supporter. We're looking forward to sharing some terrific tips and advice to help you run a great game!





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