Latest from the Creator
Evil Hat Productions
23 days ago
Building The Dice Pool
The tick, tick, tick of crowdfunding is over and we crossed the finish line with 424 backers and almost $12k in pledges. Thank you to everyone for your support! Most of the pl...
Evil Hat Productions
about 1 month ago
Final 40 hours!
Down to the last 40 hours and we've tripped past the $10k mark which gives a healthy 25% pay boost to all our panelists. Thank you everyone! We're really looking forward to pr...
Evil Hat Productions
about 1 month ago
FUNDED! Plus: Bonus Stream unlocked!
Hello friends! We're happy to announce that not only is Dice Pool funded but we've also unlocked a bonus stream for all our backers! We're creating four online seminars coveri...
Evil Hat Productions
about 2 months ago
Out of the Gate
Hey friends, Just a quick update here as we check in on the first 40 hours of the campaign. We're currently sitting at about 65% of our initial goal which is a decent start. Ab...
Evil Hat Productions
23 days ago

Project Update: Building The Dice Pool

A photo of a laptop with the covers for Blades in the Dark, Fate, Monster of the Week, and Thirsty Sword Lesbians emerging from the screen. Next to it a gallery of headshots for the twelve panelists participating in the online seminars. Caption: Thank you!

The tick, tick, tick of crowdfunding is over and we crossed the finish line with 424 backers and almost $12k in pledges. Thank you to everyone for your support!

Most of the pledges have been collected at this point although BackerKit usually needs another week to round up all the payments and transfer them to us.

Next up: We will be working with our partners at Moonbeam to begin building out the community space that will host the streams. Moonbeam integrates a collaborative online community directly with livestreaming. It includes cutting edge moderation tools so trolls and spammers don't ruin our good time. 

Our Evil Hat Realm should get spun up next month and then we're going to do some internal testing to get our legs under us before we start sending you all invites to join the platform.

So expect things to simmer along in the background for a bit and we'll update you as things get solidified.

Thanks again and have a great weekend!




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"We will be charging your card soon, so expect an email confirmation from us in the next 48 hours. Your bank's statement descriptor will be dice-poo" Can't wait to explain THAT statement line item to the mrs. ;) CONGRATS EVIL HAT!!!!





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Evil Hat Productions
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Final 40 hours!

Down to the last 40 hours and we've tripped past the $10k mark which gives a healthy 25% pay boost to all our panelists. Thank you everyone!

We're really looking forward to producing these exclusive streams for you. Each one will be chock-full of tips, tricks and pro advice for running our most popular games. Whether it's Fate, Monster of the Week, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, or Blades in the Dark, Dice Pool will give you valuable insight into running a kick-ass session.

Our last stretch goal is a cool one: At $12,500 Sean Nittner, our Director of Projects, will hold a special bonus stream explaining how we bring a game to market. He'll walk through the complete process for publishing a game with Evil Hat - from what makes a successful (or unsuccessful) pitch all the way through development and creating a final, fully-illustrated game book.

With just 40 hours to go, we can get there with your help. There's still time to upgrade your pledge:

  • At the $25 level, you get special access to a post-stream "fireside chat" with each of our panels. This is your chance to help shape the discussion about running these games.
  • At the $50 level, you get to join the fireside chats PLUS a PDF bundle featuring Advanced Lovers & Lesbians, Tome of Mysteries, City of Red Waters, and the complete Fate of Cthulhu Darkest Timeline bundle. Plus you get your choice of one of four different Roll20 bundles. That's a minimum $100 retail value for your $50 pledge.

If changing your pledge doesn't work for you right now, you still help by sharing the project on your social media platform of choice.

We're excited to launch this series. Thank you to everyone who's supported us in this campaign. And if you haven't pledged yet: there's still time to get in.




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Evil Hat Productions
about 1 month ago

Project Update: FUNDED! Plus: Bonus Stream unlocked!

A photo of a laptop with the covers for Blades in the Dark, Fate, Monster of the Week, and Thirsty Sword Lesbians emerging from the screen. Next to it a gallery of headshots for the twelve panelists participating in the online seminars. Caption: Dice Pool is funded! Thank you!

Hello friends! We're happy to announce that not only is Dice Pool funded but we've also unlocked a bonus stream for all our backers!

We're creating four online seminars covering GM tips and tricks for running our most popular games, PLUS Director of Projects Sean Nittner will do a deep dive on everything we have in our development pipeline -- including some projects we haven't announced yet.

We've got two weeks left and two important stretch goals on the horizon:
  • Reaching $10K yields a pay bump for the talented GMs who are sharing their insight and expertise.
  • At $12.5K, we unlock another bonus stream where Sean Nittner shares our complete game development process: how we vet pitches, select submissions, and shepherd a project from a basic text file to a full-fledged illustrated game book.

Both of these goals are very attainable, but we'll need your help to get there! Please share the project on your social media platform of choice.

If your friends have been waiting to see if the project will fund, now is a great time to remind them of what a great value this is:
  • For a one-time payment of $10, you get access to all four streams. That's just $2.50 per seminar!
  • At the top tier of $50, we're including a bundle of PDFs and a selection of terrific Roll20 modules to choose from. That's over $100 of Roll20 and PDF supplements for your $50 pledge.

We're excited that Dice Pool will be a reality, there's a ton of potential in what we can do with the Moonbeam platform. Thank you again for your support and keep spreading the word.




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Evil Hat Productions
about 1 month ago
The game takes as long as it takes. Sean Nittner shares our process for reviewing and selecting submissions as well as how we shepherd a game from pitch to final project.
Goal: $11,795 / $12,500
We need $705 more to reach this goal.




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