Evil Hat Productions
12 months ago

Project Update: Time to update addresses: Shipping about to begin!

A quick update today: Book production is finished and fulfillment will begin shipping late next week.

If you need to update your address, do it now. Head to https://deathmatch-island.backerkit.com/

We will be sending all the backer data to our fulfillment house on Monday morning. Make sure your book goes to the right home by doublechecking your address.

We've locked orders and shipping has been charged. Our fulfillment partner usually takes a couple of days to spin up their process, so our best estimate is that games will start heading out the door late next week.

Depending on the complexity of your order and your proximity to Duluth, MN, rewards could arrive as early as the first week of April. If that changes, we'll be sure to let you know here.

We're pleased to announce that we're well ahead of our estimated delivery date and we can't wait for you to get Deathmatch Island to your table.
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