Evil Hat Productions
12 months ago

Project Update: Progress Update, plus: Preview of the Full Survival Kit!

Greetings Contestants, nothing but good news in this update. We'll start with a production update.

Printing of the books (both the standard and limited edition) is nearly complete. We expect to transfer them to our fulfillment house next week and begin prepping for fulfillment shortly thereafter.

That means if you have any updates to your order, payment info, or address, now is a great time to make them!

Head to https://deathmatch-island.backerkit.com/ and you can manage all of that info.

If you have friends who missed the campaign, there is still time for them to pledge and have their order included with our crowdfunding fulfillment. Send them to https://deathmatch-island.backerkit.com/survey_stores

Besides the progress on the books, we've now taken delivery of the final Survival Kit materials. This set of play aids is based off material you'll find in the game but bundled up and printed separately for you to share more easily at your game table.

If you are located in the US or one of the other countries where we are shipping physical rewards, you still have time to add them on to your pledge.

Let's take a look!

The Official Dossier of extras, Production Guidance booklet, Competitor Induction booklet, and three Island booklets

The full contents of the Official Dossier laid out: Cast Pages, Island maps, Deathmatch Island Beans label, Play to Win tear-off pad, Phase Two diagram, Welcome letter, Intimate Conversation Prompts page, Content Risk Assessment form, Motivation cards, Competitor Registration forms (character sheets) plus the Competitor Induction booklet, Production Guidance booklet, and three Island booklets.

These materials are packaged in a 6" x 9" format to fit neatly alongside your book and will be shipped as a shrink-wrapped bundle so none of the components go missing. Play to Win© even harder with the Deathmatch Island Survival Kit!

Production is winding down and fulfillment will be gearing up soon. If all the estimates hold, we'll begin sending out books in April rather than our original targeted delivery of June.

Stay tuned, Competitors. The next Phase will begin shortly.
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