Evil Hat Productions
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Production Status plus: Survival Kit prototype photos!

Greetings Competitors and welcome to the new year. Just a quick update on the progress of Deathmatch Island:

1) Surveys have been sent to backers. You can complete your pledge or add-on extra items here: https://deathmatch-island.backerkit.com/

Note that if you reside outside our shipping zones, you can only pledge for digital items. Rest assured the physical book will go into distribution around the world later this year and you'll be able to buy the hardcover version of the game from your FLGS much, much cheaper than we could ship it to you.

If you (or your friends) missed the crowdfunding window, we've opened up pre-orders here: https://deathmatch-island.backerkit.com/survey_stores

2) Files have been sent to the printers. We've finalized the copy and layout and sent the files off to the two printers we are using. (One printer handles the books and one printer handles the bonus materials.) Next in the process the book printer will produce unbound galleys of the game so we can quality check everything before it goes into production.

3) We've received preliminary, one-off prototypes of the Survival Kit materials. While the game book itself is one big job, the Survival Kit is many different jobs (maps, booklets, character sheets, etc) which all need to be packaged up into the Survival Kit. Our printer here has already done a first pass for our initial inspection. We've taken a look, given some notes, and given the go ahead for production on those items.

Here's a photo of all the components in the Survival Kit. Note that these are hand assembled, pre-production materials and as such are not 100% representative of the final Survival Kit.

The full spread of components included in the limited Survival Kit upgrade!

We're really excited about the hands-on utility these items will provide at the table. If you have pledged for a physical reward, you still have time to add this package to your pledge by logging into your pledge manager and selecting the "Deathmatch Island Extras Package." If you pledged at the Survival Kit or Production Bundle tiers, these items are already included in your pledge.

That's it for this update. We are still very much on track for a June 2024 delivery. We'll keep you updated as we continue to move through the production funnel.
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