WANTED - Cosmic Outlaws, Space Pirates & Intergalactic Scallywags!

WANTED - Cosmic Outlaws, Space Pirates & Intergalactic Scallywags!

An indispensable guide to the most ridiculous mischief-makers, gangsters and desperado's in the known universe
£4,326 🎉
of £2,500
Project Ended
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An Indispensable Guide

The universe is under great threat from gangs of unscrupulous and ruthless alien outlaws. It is up to you to track down these felons, both naughty and notable and bring them to justice! 

What is Admiral Pimpleneurker wanted for? Does Gorson Dust really smuggle flunch manure and wot weed? Why does Sandra at your local council office look so suspicious? What is a Zloppcumber and why is it illegal?

You will find out the important answers to these questions and more, in this comprehensive publication.

The Book

Details are as follows:

Format: A4 - 21 x 29.7 cm (8.3 x 11.7 inches)

Cover: Hardcover matte laminated finish on the cover.
Interior: Full colour, 56 pages printed on 150gsm uncoated paper.

(All pictures of the book are mockups).

Each double page spread will reveal the shenanigans each character has been up to. You'll learn who they are, where they were last seen, and how many Gleknot they have as bounty on their head. 

This book is a collaboration between my husband Matt Dixon and I. 

The book was originally going to be a collection of mugshots of various criminal extra terrestrials, inspired by the wonderful mugshots of criminals and vagrants from the late 1800s to early 1920s. I wanted to create my own alien criminals and describe their crimes and what they'd been caught for. Matt expanded on this idea by suggesting that rather than having been caught, these were characters who were yet to be captured and the title changed from Mugshots to WANTED - Cosmic Outlaws, Space Pirates & Intergalactic Scallywags! 
Book Excerpts


Last Known Location: Outer Rim Of Planet Nisker 

Bounty: 🄶 8900 Gleknot

Wanted For: Teaching & Performing Illegal Dance Moves

Pardy Durr, choreographer extraordinaire, is wanted throughout the universe for teaching illegal dance moves. Partial to an all in one unitard, Pardy has been caught teaching 'The Malodorous Pinkle', 'Fimp Fomp' and the devastating move, 'The Spritzer'. 

It all started with him sneaking ‘The Malodorous Pinkle’ into a much lauded royal ballet performance. This gave rise to rather embarrassing digestive disturbances in the audience, which were somewhat audible due to the scene being particularly quiet. 

King Fordamalus, who the theatre is named after, (The Grand Fordamalus), - expelled Pardy from the dance collective he led, and from the planet Kleepolibop where it was based. 

Pardy left Kleepolibop and was rediscovered on The Green Moon Of Folpp, having started the flimp flomp dance craze amongst the moon’s population. The problem with this dance move was it caused a peculiar reaction in the glands of the aliens on this planet. The dance was then outlawed on Folpp, but this did not stop Pardy despite being captured and forced to do six weeks hard labour.

Since his release he was forced to flee again, and was seen next in a famous music video doing the spritzer - which was broadcast widely. This particular move is hypnotic and sent the viewers into a catatonic trance for two days.



Last Known Location: The Moon Of Plipleeka

Bounty: 🄶 2000 Gleknot

Wanted For: Growing and smuggling Zloppcumbers 

Zloppcumbers are Hedron’s speciality and he is a master grower and smuggler of this strange fruit. The Zloppcumber originates from the planet Kabongle. 

Zloppcumbers are unique in that they can completely alter the perception of the unfortunate being who eats it. When consumed, this fruit makes them believe they have transformed into a completely different creature, namely The Carnivorous Bite Beast. Understandably this leads to very awkward social encounters. 

The Carnivorous Bite Beast is an ambush predator which will hide itself and then leap out to surprise its prey by biting at the ankles and feet. You are no doubt able to picture the sight of a boardroom of business men during afternoon tea, trying to knaw at each other’s ankles. Or perhaps an exclusive cocktail party where guests leap out from soft furnishings and potted plants in order to ineffectually nibble on their friend’s toes. 

Now you might be wondering why such situations might occur, why would anyone knowingly eat a Zloppcumber? Well, the Zloppcumber looks indistinguishable from the Solcumber, a very expensive delicacy, but the Zloppcumber is a fraction of the price. The Solcumber tastes exactly the same but the effect is completely different; the eater of this fruit will be overcome with deep peacefulness, bliss and tranquility. 

Hedron is knowingly selling this fruit to his unfortunate marks and pocketing the huge profit in the process.


WANTED - Cosmic Outlaws, Space Pirates & Intergalactic Scallywags is a book that doesn't really fit into the genre of art book OR story book. 

Its existence is purely for your entertainment and I hope that when leafing through its pages it will put a big smile on your face, with any luck there will be a little chuckling too. 

This is a collection of naughty characters who, while painting them, have had me giggling as I lay down the pigment with them grinning or grimacing back at me. My one desire for this book is that it will be humorous and mildly diverting. Enjoy!
The Art

All the art is hand painted with watercolour on board. I can assure an accurate likeness of all the subjects in question. Some of the aliens were drawn and designed by Matt, I then finished these in watercolour. 

Each painting is approximately 19 x 25 cm in size and a small selection will be available as part of this campaign. All other artwork associated will be found on www.emilyhare.co.uk.

These are the nine paintings currently available on my website:


The full process of me painting Flimglip. Most is sped up but there's a 'real time' part where I do the eyes in the middle!

The Creators

For those of you new to my work, my name is Emily Hare and I have a deep love for fantasy and folklore, particularly imaginary creatures.  I have spent much of my life drawing and painting and have created several books (via Kickstarter campaigns), my most successful being 'Strangehollow', 'Secrets Of Strangehollow' & 'Seas Of Strangehollow', which all explore a vast enchanted forest filled with strange beasts and marvellous beings. 'WANTED' is a new adventure into the Sci-fi genre, which I have always loved but have never explored artistically, until now!

Artist and robot lover Matt Dixon has been working as a professional illustrator now since 1988 (his first contribution to a video game). He has worked on licensed products including Disney features, Pirates of the Caribbean, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot and currently works on Blizzard's Hearthstone. You may be familiar with Matt's personal work which spans ten books, all exploring a whimsical world filled with rusty robots. The books are called 'Transmissions' and are a way that Matt can explore feelings and emotions that might be difficult to express in other ways. 

Matt and I are collaborating for the first time in many years (long overdue!) and this book is the result of mostly my creations, but we have come together for story ideation and inventing silly names and places, and Matt has also created some of the aliens which I will paint up in watercolour to keep the look of the artwork consistent. 


I commissioned Jacob Ryman to create this fantastic retro Sci-fi feeling piece of music for my video. He absolutely nailed the brief. 
Pledge Levels

Just The Book- £25 

The UFO Bundle - £30

  • The book
  • 5 postcards

The Cosmic Outlaw Bundle - £40

  • The book
  • 5 postcards
  • A4 Print of Admiral Pimpleneurker (not signed). 

The Space Pirate Bundle - £44

  • The book
  • 5 postcards
  • A4 Print of Admiral Pimpleneurker 
  • Spaceship magnet

The Intergalactic Scallywag Commission Bundle - £494 (Only 1 Available)

  • One original painting of an alien
  • The book
  • 5 postcards
  • A4 Print of Admiral Pimpleneurker 
  • Spaceship magnet

Please read the details on the pledge before backing.

Original Watercolour Painting - Admiral Pimpleneurker - £450

  • The original painting of the cover alien, Admiral Pimpleneurker - watercolour on board. 

If you would like the book as well then add it via the add-ons at check out. 

Original Watercolour Painting - Frimm Bolabas - £450

  • The original painting of Frimm Bolabas - watercolour on board. 

If you would like the book as well then add it via the add-ons at check out. 

Original Watercolour Painting - Tony Flahps - £450

  • The original painting of Tony Flahps - watercolour on board. 

If you would like the book as well then add it via the add-ons at check out. 

Original Watercolour Painting - Hedron - £450

  • The original painting of Hedron - watercolour on board. 

If you would like the book as well then add it via the add-ons at check out. 


Add-Ons available are: 

  • The Book
  • Postcard set of 5
  • Spaceship Magnet 
  • Selection of A4 prints 

Stretch Goals

If we are lucky enough to reach funding goal then this is where you will find the stretch goals! I will add extra pages (which will mean more art), extra postcards and more - I will be making polls during the campaign so you can let me know which things are most important to you! 


I ship everywhere except South America and South Africa (huge apologies, this is due to several packages getting lost over the years).

Estimates below are based on the weight of one book. 

£5 (Tracked24)


EU (All Zones):




Please note that it is the buyer’s sole responsibility to be aware of any customs fees, sales tax or VAT that may be applicable.

My fulfilment estimate is February-March 2025. I don't expect any delays, so barring any rude health interruptions or intergalactic invasions, it should all go to plan!

This is my tenth crowdfunding campaign, the first with Backerkit. I will keep you all up to speed with what is happening when there is relevant information during the fulfilment process.

Thank you for pledging!

Kind Words

New art book from the very talented artist Emily Hare. When Monster characters are named Admiral Pimpleneurker, Gorson Dust and Hedron, smuggler of Zloppcumbers and... when paragraphs drop words like, smuggle flunch manure and wot weed. And when monsters are imagined and painted with such whimsey and beauty... I'm totally in.

This is a monster of an art book. I'm honored to talk about it. Don't be a scallywag, buy this book today! ~Thomas Fluharty

Thomas Fluharty has been an award-winning artist and art educator for the past 40 years. Thomas has worked as a professional artist, painter and draftsman for publishers, advertising agencies and movie studios all over the world. He painted the cover for TIME Magazine which now hangs in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery. Thomas has also been teaching online at Schoolism.com, an incredible art education school since 2010, teaching students all over the world drawing and painting. 

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