Jason Vey
20 days ago

Project Update: Locking Orders and Charging Cards

Morning, everyone!

Just a quick note to let you all know that I will be locking orders and charging cards on Monday or Tuesday. I'm working with BK to get all the shipping charges sorted and by the time we lock everyone shou!ld be solid. 

Domestic shipping will CAP at $10 - so those of you who got notified that your shipping would be $14, will have some of that credited back. 

International PoD buyers WILL have shipping credited back, so you won't be charged shipping at all. 

They want to work with me on the add-ons as well, so we can charge you for add-ons directly here instead of me billing separately. In the end, after months of frustration working with them, they have finally come through and are working with me to smooth this process out, which is appreciated. I do apologize for the confusion it's caused on the backend, but we're getting it all sorted. 

The good news is, if you've completed your survey, you should have the PDFs in hand by the end of the week next week, barring any new unforeseen issues! 

The print versions have been approved and are at press now, so within a couple weeks I should be able to start shipping those out. I'm also waiting on delivery for the final proof of the PoD version so the codes for those, too, should go out within a week or two to international backers.

I was going to show you all the printer proofs, but there isn't much to show. They were just stapled versions of each signature so I could check pagination and layout - not very high quality. 

Phew! Fulfillment is always the most stressful part of these things, but we're on our way and very close to our expected date!

That's all for now. Have a great weekend and as always...

Carpe Noctem!





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