Dream Keep Kingdom (by Shottsy)
10 days ago

Project Update: Cookie dough fixed! Chocness monster pin done!

We got updates on the cookie dough stressball and we also got photos of the finished Chocness monster pin! Cookie dough is approved and once they’ve finished the others they will all go to safety testing and then production soon!

They have gone on to work on the prototype for rainbow sherbet stressball and cookies and cream both should be done soon! We are worried about tarriffs, and how that will effect our production because we don’t have the unexpected expense. We will keep you posted on options  if it effects anything. We are doing a much smaller run of these guys so hopefully it won’t be too bad.

Things are a bit busy right now and I’ve been A bit run down so I apologize if I have been a bit slow to respond or haven’t been as chipper as I usually am. I’m juggling a LOT for all our plush still doing revisions and then had some deadlines for plush design from my boss, and now lots of stuff I have to create for an upcoming  expo where we have to share our products and brands and try to get into retail. 
We also have a toy show this weekend and another couple weeks later. 

Also still have some residual sickness been sick with a virus for over a month but finally on the mend but still exhausted all the time and for some reason not able to stay asleep. 

But I keep on going! There is good news though!  
I can finally reveal, due to the success of our last campaign, and their love of our unicones, I have been accepted to a new licensing agency based in the UK but that have global reach for their brands! They LOVE my characters and brands and have ideas of companies they want to pitch them to so make sure you guys keep sharing, tagging dream keep dragons and unicones and make your voices be heard because very soon our creations may be expanding far beyond plush and bags. 

ALSO in OTHER  good news as I’ve been requesting meetings for the expo we may have some amazing things to reveal very soon! To give you a clue who here remembers the “Wuzzles”?

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