Dream Keep Kingdom (by Shottsy)
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Surveys should be ready first week of March plus update

Hello Dreamers,

Me and my husband are both still battling a very bad flu which has set me back a bit on the surveys. Bad bronchitis, coughing fits and it’s just going away yet. I’m on anti-biotics so hopefully it will pass soon. We have sent Chocness monster off to start production but we are still waiting on funds to clear.

Please correct any payment issues before surveys are sent out or we will have to cancel your orders and you will lose any bonus pins, early bird freebies etc.  

The first stressball Unicone plush is also began prototyping hopefully it will be done soon. We will have a pre-order add-on store open for about two weeks so you can add on extra items. This campaign we will not be keeping open long so we can get everything into production and out to you and put our focus back onto our dragon campaign. 





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