Dragon Scale Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: February 2024

Hello everyone and happy February!

Wanted to get you all some insight into where we're at for The Undiscovered Country manual. 

We're on track so far for our timeline. Over the past month we've been heavily focused in building out the factions, play testing their perks and benefits and debuffs. We're happy to say that we think you'll find them quite interesting, and they should make for some replayability as well as generally adding to encounters and campaigns outside of this setting if you should so choose to use the factions in other settings/games.

We've spent a lot of time over the last couple weeks working on city maps and related locale maps for the manual. We're doing our best to make the maps robust, usable, and ensuring they're accurate and engaging as well as convenient to read and use in game prep and gameplay.

We have also been polishing a few NPCs and quest givers. As we've fleshed out the maps a bit we have created some NPCs that are optional for the campaign, but can help give the world a more full feeling.

I will have another update for you in about a month for The Undiscovered Country, but please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Also, if you jumped into the 100 Hidden Rooms campaign you should have seen the surveys go out for that today as well as a project update concerning delivery timelines. We're ahead of the original schedule there and aiming to send those rewards out once the funds are transferred and confirmed around the 15th or so, depending on when KS makes the deposit. In the meantime, we wanted to make you aware of a very cool project campaign going on now.

Dragons Under the Mountain: Monsters in Iverglendar (5e compatible). This project has currently already reached funding and voting on stretch goals.

The comic attached to this project is already finished and ready to ship in digital and physical formats, and the adventure is set to ship in April 2024.




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