The Undiscovered Country

The Undiscovered Country

A full length 5e compatible TTRPG campaign with all new monsters, NPCs, factions, classes, races, & more!
$1,829 🎉
of $1,000
Project Ended
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The Undiscovered Country:

The Undiscovered Country is a 5e-compatible, full length adventure campaign set on the world of Terramyr* that will have your party exploring new lands as part of their chosen faction. They'll meet entirely new monsters, travel to previously unknown cities, and put their diplomatic skills to use to establish trade routes and alliances (or perhaps they'll stalk the shadows and simply murder-hobo their way to victory, the choice is theirs) as you search for an ancient artifact rumored to be hidden somewhere within this savage continent. 

The adventure is plotted and in the early stages of drafting. If you have heard of, or gotten your hands on, the Terramyr Compendium, then you already know the kind of creatures we like to create, and we can promise you a whole lot more fun with this new adventure.

Just to pique your interest... Here's some of the content going into The Undiscovered Country:

NEW Races:


Arcane Trappers
It takes a certain kind of person to hunt down the strange creatures in the wilds. One who is brave, cunning, patient, and resourceful. The Arcane Trapper is all of these and more, and they put their skills to use trapping animals big and small. Some can be quite helpful to you in your quest, while others just might try to put you in a cage!

Diplomats and Faction Leaders:
These cunning individuals are experts at exploiting negotiations, and they use the laws --or lack thereof-- to their fullest advantage in these cruel lands. Ally yourself with the right factions and climb through the ranks to secure your place in history... or... go against the powers that be and ally yourself with the natural races of the land, restoring order where others have sewn chaos.... the choice is yours.

Emissaries of Mother Terramyr:
As if the continent wasn't complicated enough, Terramyr has her highest concentration of natural races in The Undiscovered Country. If you can manage to find them, and somehoe befriend them, you just might uncover secrets that only the fairies and terrlings have been privy to since the dawn of the first age.

(Sample collage below from the Terramyr Compendium for illustrative purposes only. New locations, shops, stat cards, and maps are being created for The Undiscovered Country manual.)

Funding this project will result in this adventure manual being created in PDF, Paperback, and hardcover formats.

(*Terramyr is a fantasy world created by best-selling author Sam Ferguson with numerous novels and series published over the last decade.)


Pledge Levels

Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager

Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager

Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager

Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager

Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager

Domestic US shipping is included in the Veteran Game Master tier's price. International shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager

Stretch Goals


The Terramyr Compendium

You may know us from our 5e compatible 402 page Terramyr Compendium, but just in case you haven't seen that, we want to share its details here and let you see just how much we have already created for the setting.

I think you'll be astonished at just how packed these 402 pages are with unique Terramyr content.

There are numerous new races from the world of Terramyr, each with their own rich history and unique abilities.

  • 13 God-pledged classes with their own familiars and weapons that level with your character!

  • 8 One-shots (Including Zhougo's Dungeon)

  • Critical & Fumble Tables!

And much, much more including:
  • 202 Spells 
  • 102 Monsters
  • 76 NPCs
  • 25 Maps
  • 13 Shops
  • 12 Pets
  • 10 Mercenaries 
  • 8 Mini Games
  • 1 Mini Campaign with 4 additional related One-Shots that can be attached






Shipping, Taxes, and Duties will be collected where required via the pledge manager once we have the final weight of the book. Based upon previous projects with the compendium, we estimate shipping costs to be roughly $9.99 for US shipping and $19.99 - $29.99 for international shipping of 1copy of The Undiscovered Country manual. The rates may go up $5-$10 if you get both hardcover manuals, but shouldn't be more than that based on weight.

Any addons, extra manual copies, etc., may alter the shipping total based on weight and destination. 

(If you back at the Veteran Game Master tier, shipping has been included.)

Our minions are excited to bring your story and adventure treasures directly to your door! -- Just make sure to lock up your garlic prior to delivery. These little guys have been known to sneak into kitchens and take a few cloves for themselves as a tip.


Calling all dice goblins...

Acrylic Dice Set
Can you ever have enough dice sets? Go ahead and add a few. Feed your inner dice goblin -- or help someone else become one! (Backerkit survey will be used to determine your color preferences and every attempt will be made to accommodate, though possible exceptions may occur depending on color availability at time of fulfillment.) A single black drawstring bag will be included with each dice set. Acrylic dice sets are $4.99 per set.

Metallic Dice Set
Looking for that little something extra to feed your dice goblin? We got you! Regardless of the style you choose, a metallic dice set is only $29.99!

First up, Metallic Dragon Scale dice! We have them in green with gold numbers or a green and purple motif!

Or, if you're looking for something a little more flashy, then we have hollow metallic dice in various precious ore designs (not actual precious ore... but you can pretend...) We have (in order of appearance) Copper; Silver; Gold; Platinum; and Telarian Steel! Each set is only $30!

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