Gaming Ballistic
12 days ago

Project Update: Heading into the Weekend with Warlock Knight!

A quick note as we head into the weekend!

Art and Manuscript Progress

First, I've started to get more and more artwork from the team. Looking really, really good.

This has the three sample PCs, with space left for a title image. which is going to be an "arriving at the starting point" montage. I've seen the sketch, and I should see more of it in the next day or so.

There's more art I can show; I don't want to do too much because I want to avoid too many spoilers.

But here's a cutie:

How can you not want to hug that face? If friend-shaped, why not friend?

Campaign Progress

Won't beat around the bush: I'm pretty pleased where this is going and I hope the pace continues. The hardly every reliable BackerTracker is placing a final landing zone at a funding level north of $30K, which would really, really let me get a jump start on the artwork for Isle of Elazar as well as the Sea Hag's Wrath adventure.

Even so, a reminder that this is a short campaign, it ends in one week on Friday (on June 28th), and this is the only weekend. So if you're contemplating jumping on, sooner is better than later, though there will be late pledges once I get back to my desk in mid-July (I'm on holiday for the first two weeks in July, but since that's the time Backerkit is doing their pledge collection and such, that won't matter).

I still think I'll be in a good place to distribute ALL digital rewards (thinks about that ... yeah, I think it's still true) on or about July 15.

Then it's just "the faster the surveys come in, the faster I can order the print books and cards."

So that's it for now! Have a great weekend, and if you're still thinking about joining the campaign, please come on board! 





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